Gnome Automatics Bobby's Widow

So here are the three that are left from the first six, 2 true hermi's and a male have been eliminated. I left the last male and 2 females to see what they are going to do. The thing that gets me is how similar they look in structure for F1, there is some leaf differences but the main build of the plants are weirdly alike for a F1 cross.

I will kill off the male in the next few days just need to see what they are doing as well as how stable they are. Ill be going back to the F1 seed soon to see what we have here.


:greenthumb: --lovely looking crew there my friend! :d5: .... I forget, are these F1's or F2's now? What pheno's are you angling for?
....I'm looking forward to seeing more frost machines FD! ...stoked you have the chance to start working this line deeper at last too- :woohoo1:
:greenthumb: --lovely looking crew there my friend! :d5: .... I forget, are these F1's or F2's now? What pheno's are you angling for?
....I'm looking forward to seeing more frost machines FD! ...stoked you have the chance to start working this line deeper at last too- :woohoo1:
They’re getting lush mate......
:coffee: :growing: :coffee:---- whoa! that's an amazing growth spurt from the 25th to today! :d5: What are these girls snackin' down on? ...back right one is a lummox- :vibe:
....who's catching your eye so far? I'm liking the center girl for her nicely spaced symmetrical build,...:thumbsup:
:coffee: :growing: :coffee:---- whoa! that's an amazing growth spurt from the 25th to today! :d5: What are these girls snackin' down on? ...back right one is a lummox- :vibe:
....who's catching your eye so far? I'm liking the center girl for her nicely spaced symmetrical build,...:thumbsup:
Yeah they really kicked into overdrive the last week. Fast little gals too.

They are munching on AN Ph perfect at 1.5 ml/l
Little cal mag and some root excelurator

Light feeders haven’t upped the dose any and they have had 2 or 3 feeds of pure water. Figure if I ramp up the feed they swell nice but I noticed nitrogen claw so I backed off.

I dig the balance on the middle one for sure but I love the monster in the back
:coffee: alotta results from light inputs,.. what are they in, soil or Promix?