Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Hey growers :welcome:

A couple of things changed in the tent, but I'll let you guys read all about that in this thread. Since I've put everything under a SCROG net and everyone is again at the same height issues with light burn on the highest tops isn't going to be an issue anymore. I've also dialed back the TS-1000 to 75% to let the new growth get the chance to adjust. I can still turn it up again if I need to temperature wise. Also hung the TS-1000 via four seperate ratchets to the frame of the tent. That way I could hang the light 10cm / 4" higher then before. The only disadvantage is that the light doesn't hang perpendicular with the sides of the tent as the monkey fan is in it's way, but I did manage to get it to hang level.

Speaking of temperature ánd humidity as well of course I can say that everything is under control. For those of you following me for a while, you may have noticed two new icons in the app screenshot. The 'snake figured' one are rules/actions. I have made a rule if the temp gets to high I'll get an alarm, the same for to cold, humid & dry. The one with the 'exclamation mark' is just so I get those messages on my phone. I could mail, sms or even put it on social media if I like to do that, but all that is not wise if you value your privacy :shrug:

I also cleaned up the lung room (vacuum and all) and did find a spot that was high enough to put the original 47L Autopot water tank. Tomorrow I'll be testing if she leaks or not and if I'm satisfied she'll replace the 10L bucket I've been using so far. The reason being the trip we had to cancel in February will be taking place next week. We're going a couple of days to Holland on a camping trip with the whole family :woohoo1::woohoo::woohoo1:
And now knowing the system uses 7.5L/day it will be more then enough for a long weekend away from home.
Again, and you know who you are!! This trip couldn't go on without you pushing me into organics :bow: So my missus sends her regards :bighug:


Bob :toke:
Hey growers :toke:

How amazing are these plants...You rumble, cut and slice and they still come up asking for more...But I also promised that when something went awry I'd also let you guys know. I discovered that the two main tops which I already had split and roped together broke again under the pressure of being pushed under the netting. This time under the split. You'll see in the time lapse that there's a part in the middle with light green leaves... well that's those two 'main' tops. The fact that the leaves aren't wilting away is a sign that there still is a connection between the stalk and the broken piece.

This is the spot I'm talking about. I think the main thing is to stay away from it, don't touch it and wait until the plant heals this HST wound.

A bit zoomed in :thumbsup:

Ok, enough about mishaps and let talk a bit about life, or rather the creation of it. Since all most auto seeds these days are feminised there's only one way to get progeny from them. One must convince a lady to grow a pair of balls and pollinate itself or even better another plant. And that's what we're here trying to do... This little lower branch has received as of yet three applications with STS. For those of you not knowing what this is...Google is your friend, but so am I. STS inhibits the manufacturing of Ethylene and this prohibits the formation of female sex organs. As a reaction to that the plant produces male sex organs.

Next up is the clean-up I did below the SCROG netting. Pulled every leaf and shoot over the period of a couple of days. Probably could remove some more...:shrug:



And finally the top side...


This is a bit my favorite position for the extraction fan in the 60x60x160 tent. It replenishes enough air so the plants stay healthy and get enough of the CO² they need, but also doesn't such all the heat out of the tent, which would be a waste, no wouldn't it?

The light...well since I created enough space between light and plants by remounting the light and scrogging the plants. I could play again with the Wattage. Luckily enough just in time as we're having a cold fit here at the moment. Snow in spring and icecold nothern winds....brrrrr... So I turned het up a notch.

This doing results in the following values below.
Mind you that I sprayed again with the bottle of @Phyter's rotblock I still had mixed. So that's why the humidity is so high right now.
Screenshot_2022-04-01-19-51-07-801_cc.blynk - Copy.jpg

Yeah, the TS-1000 doesn't hang straight anymore, but she's level and I won 10cm / 4" in height...

Well, that's it folks. Hope you enjoyed todays post and hope to see you again next time.


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

Just a small update about the values inside the tent for today...
I went to do some small maintenance (ie, leaf tucking and removing leaves). Afterwards I sprayed the plants with @Phyter's RotBlock and that's why the humidity is so high momentarily. This will correct itself within one hour. The same will be for the temperature. :thumbsup:

Oh yes, I also installed the original 47L tank a couple of days ago. Filled it up today and now it's just the waiting game to see how long it will take for it to empty.
And finally...again a time lapse. I've had to defoliate and tuck quite a bit to keep everything level. Anybody any idea how long I'll have to do that?


Bob :toke:
Hey growers :welcome:

Another update from within my Mars Hydro tent.
A couple of months ago I started a worm bin and today was the day I harvested some of the liquid. Not knowing how potent the stuff is, I diluted it 1part into 9 parts water. The color was like a green tea. I made 1 liter and divided it between the four pots.

Also applied some more STS to the lower branch of the Auto White Widow making sure I didn't get any of it on the other plants.

I also rehung the action camera as I wasn't satisfied with the angle it was taking pictures. Now I do have to be careful while doing maintenance that I don't bump my head and change the position of the view... Oh well...The results of this change is for the next post as I now need it to do it's thing... :shrug:

Next up are the variables inside the tent... which aren't bad, but I've seen them more stable in the past.



So this is the last time lapse from this angle. The next will be much better :thumbsup:


Bob :toke:
Hey guys :biggrin:

Look what the mailman dropped in my mailbox...

A continuous pH and EC monitor with WiFi on board. You can connect with an app to it and have an instant heart attack when something goes wrong when on holiday :crying:


Bob :toke:
Hey guys :biggrin:

Look what the mailman dropped in my mailbox...
View attachment 1441510

A continuous pH and EC monitor with WiFi on board. You can connect with an app to it and have an instant heart attack when something goes wrong when on holiday :crying:
View attachment 1441509


Bob :toke:
Bob's got all the cool gadgets lol! I think my next buy is gonna have to be a light meter as I really need to get the whole DLI thing figured out now that I've got everything else stable. As of now I'm just guessing based on how the plants respond.
Bob's got all the cool gadgets lol! I think my next buy is gonna have to be a light meter as I really need to get the whole DLI thing figured out now that I've got everything else stable. As of now I'm just guessing based on how the plants respond.
On first sight this kit looks awesome and was super easy to install and connect to the app on my phone. Now I have to let the probes sit in plain water over night and tomorrow I'll calibrate the both of 'm. Then I'll have about a month to test it indoors before it goes to the greenhouse. :biggrin: