Building organic soil


Worm Hunter .
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Aug 9, 2014
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Ok guys . This is about thread building your own soil . be it 50 liters or 400 liters [ which I do ] There is many ways to do this and they all work and also you will get great pleasure out of growing mighty fine weed . The cost factor to build soil can be a lot less too as nutrient use in the grow comes way down . also a lot less work , The main work load is in building the soil . Which becomes a pleasure as you see the results as time goes by , I made mistakes along the way , but learnt by them , I also had 2 mighty fine mentors - @Waira @Eyes on Fire , another good thing is you never stop learning , Now if you live in a small place you sure as hell can also make you own as all you will do is down size the amounts , I would like to see this thread open to all , The main aim is helping members that are interested into getting started so all you guys with the knowledge could help that would be awesome . Being that I live in Australia they are a lot of things I can't get or are too expensive , this is where you guys in the US come in [ please ] Recipes are another thing some basic ones to full blown , @WildBill has kindly come on board to help out as well and any other member with the knowledge your advise would also be much appreciated . So soil builders lets see what happens . :thumbsup:
Ok guys , Here is my soil , We will go through what is in it I make around 350 to 400 liter at a time . For - Nitrogen - I use fish frames , which I can get plenty of or catch my own , There is around 20 kg of frames and I have been doing it a while now and been bumping it up each time from when I first started adding them , so far so good .- Potassium - I have been using this product , have done for a long time .

So Phosphorus , I also been using it a long time too . Indonesian seabird guano .Typical analysis – Nitrogen 0.11%, Phosphorus 11.17%, Potassium 0.25%,
Sulphur 0.12%, Calcium 34.79%. Silica 8.80%

Next is insect Frass , again I am lucky I can get it by the bucket loads due to having big wood chip piles at work ,

Got to have Molasses , chips as chips so I have 10 to 15 liters on hand .
This next photo is of a native Scrub Turkey , The build bloody big nest and use them each year which they add to , What I do is dig done 3 to 4 ft and by then I am hitting well broken down leaf litter and twigs ect . I add around 40 liters .

This is where the soi lives and I also reuse soil , worm I gather from around home or work from the soil . Keeping the pile moist I use Fish pond water or in the wet season water from the sky . I also use molasses to feed the soil and add Humic acid too .

The soil is at least 3 months old , most of the time older as this is a form of cold composting . I grow in 27 liter pots . I am not at 100 % water only yet but I am getting close . 1 step at a time . Here is the end result .

So pests , I do not and have not had a problem with them , I was wondering why after I seen posts about pest so I asked @Waira and the answer he gave me was due to the life force in the soil they keep them under control , So see that is a very good reason to make your own . :vibe::thumbsup:
So pests , I do not and have not had a problem with them , I was wondering why after I seen posts about pest so I asked @Waira and the answer he gave me was due to the life force in the soil they keep them under control , So see that is a very good reason to make your own .
Bro science
For those of us not having ready or even free access to bulk soil, fish, insect frass, able to store bulk soil, etc.,
1) Where would we even start, say if we live in a more urban environment? What readily available commercial products from garden center, hydro store or online sources would be used to make an equivalent soil?
2) Would this be cost effective if just purchasing small amounts, say to make 30 gallons for a small tent grow?
4) I know the point here is DIY, but are there commercial bagged soils that meet or beat the quality and performance of high-end DIY soils?
For those of us not having ready or even free access to bulk soil, fish, insect frass, able to store bulk soil, etc.,
1) Where would we even start, say if we live in a more urban environment? What readily available commercial products from garden center, hydro store or online sources would be used to make an equivalent soil?
2) Would this be cost effective if just purchasing small amounts, say to make 30 gallons for a small tent grow?
4) I know the point here is DIY, but are there commercial bagged soils that meet or beat the quality and performance of high-end DIY soils?
For those of us not having ready or even free access to bulk soil, fish, insect frass, able to store bulk soil, etc.,
1) Where would we even start, say if we live in a more urban environment? What readily available commercial products from garden center, hydro store or online sources would be used to make an equivalent soil?
2) Would this be cost effective if just purchasing small amounts, say to make 30 gallons for a small tent grow?
4) I know the point here is DIY, but are there commercial bagged soils that meet or beat the quality and performance of high-end DIY soils?
Where I live we have wonderful organic products made by down to earth Dte makes in my opinion the best organic products on the market an are the best organic products for my living coco grow style I pioneered