Cannabinoid Efficacy Chart


Growing strange,...
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Mar 11, 2013
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**Edit--- ( ooops! ...grabbed the wrong one, but I'll leave both up anyway)

SCLabs chart.jpg

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The chart looks like it came from a CBD-promoting site. CBD ticks off just about everything, while THC is clearly under-scored.
This chart was made by Santa Cruz Labs - :thumbsup: ... great website with other quality info, and a top rated testing lab for many years now....
That is a very helpful chart. Thanks.
Just wandering what this chart is "very helpful" about or for. Are these supposed to be areas where cannabinoids have shown or are presumed to have actual therapeutic efficacy? Should anyone treat themselves or others based on this? Or as it looks to me, is this just a mixed-up and very incomplete (but better than nothing) list of various biological lab. activities and anecdotal reports of treatment success associated with cannabinoids (and skewed such that CBD ticks off most everything)?
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:doh: figures you'd be the one to crap on this chart BII,... Yes, it's a summary of what research has shown which various cannabinoids have shown to have efficacy for.... CBD is the "hero"... scientific fact: it has a greater range of efficacies than any other cannabinoid to date...That chart has evolved over the years that I've seen, and as info and research adds up, it appears to get updated... Why would a testing facility be playing at medical propaganda, and for what reason? No sales or hype there, they don't sell CBD or anything else... It's not being updated by an intern that's sniffing out social media BS info either... The site is often given as a reference by Dr.'s and cannabis consultants for medical patients (and the general public) because if the good general info offered there. So, take it or leave it, but knowing this local company like I do, I'm certain that chart is plenty accurate.
What is it about SCLabs that makes you think they are putting out bad info? You talk like because they are "just a testing lab" (they aren't BTW), they're offering up questionable or bogus info in a general chart? :shrug: What do you want to bet their team knows more than you do about all of this?
...Tell you what sport, you dig up the research papers that debunk anything on that chart and we'll submit to SCLabs in an email and we'll see what they say.... otherwise, don't come in here and call into question something like this with nothing more than pessimistic doubt and armchair "expertise"...
:doh: figures you'd be the one to crap on this chart BII,... Yes, it's a summary of what research has shown which various cannabinoids have shown to have efficacy for.... CBD is the "hero"... scientific fact: it has a greater range of efficacies than any other cannabinoid to date...That chart has evolved over the years that I've seen, and as info and research adds up, it appears to get updated... Why would a testing facility be playing at medical propaganda, and for what reason? No sales or hype there, they don't sell CBD or anything else... It's not being updated by an intern that's sniffing out social media BS info either... The site is often given as a reference by Dr.'s and cannabis consultants for medical patients (and the general public) because if the good general info offered there. So, take it or leave it, but knowing this local company like I do, I'm certain that chart is plenty accurate.
What is it about SCLabs that makes you think they are putting out bad info? You talk like because they are "just a testing lab" (they aren't BTW), they're offering up questionable or bogus info in a general chart? :shrug: What do you want to bet their team knows more than you do about all of this?
...Tell you what sport, you dig up the research papers that debunk anything on that chart and we'll submit to SCLabs in an email and we'll see what they say.... otherwise, don't come in here and call into question something like this with nothing more than pessimistic doubt and armchair "expertise"...

I started with "Just wandering what this chart is "very helpful about or for," and from there it was all just a few questions. I never really even said anything. Yes, a question was phrased critical of the chart, but I noted this was just "as it looks to me." I am asking what are actually deep questions, wanting to learn what does the medical cannabis community consider "efficacy" to be, and secondarily what are such lists of efficacies useful/used. I never mentioned or even alluded to any testing lab. or authors. - don't see how that's an issue.

I keep seeing "efficacy" prominently used, but I don't have any exposure to medical users to understand what it means here. In real-world, healthcare/medical, legal, etc. contexts such use of this term raises a lot of 'red flags.' I then asked, "Are these supposed to be areas where cannabinoids have shown or are presumed to have actual therapeutic efficacy?" (again wanting to know about what 'efficacy' means). Obviously, 'efficacy' here is not being used in terms of these various cannabinoids meeting FDA and medical community standards for treating a disease, proven in clinical trials, etc.

As far as CBD being a "hero," looking at the chart, it looks to have lots of adverse effects, with THC much safer. Nobody should be consuming anything that (interpreting the table literally) has "efficacy" including: promotes bone growth (what bones will grow how much?; I thought adult bones don't normally grow); is immunosuppressive (obviously, immune suppression is not good); reduces blood sugar (is dangerous to anyone at the moment having low blood sugar?); reduces intestinal contractions (aren't these normal, needed for digestion?); antibacterial (edibles kill good intestinal bacteria?); etc.
What is unfortunate about these charts is everybody who publishes this info doesn't share the data from their studies.
That kinna came out wrong...
What I really mean is that if more of their data were released it would appear as being more credible.
These findings could now be compared between different research labs.
From there we can draw our own conclusions.
Charts like the one posted above are often prepared for lay folk to get a quick overview.

It seems to me that it would be in the cannabis industries interests to publish and share as much info as possible.
I 'm convinced that would make Bayer, Monsanto, Ortho, Bristol Myers & Ayers very very happy
You need to do some research on these terms (start with efficacy), some human anatomy, and what diseases such "efficacies" may see positive benefit for, and understand that the terms used are specific to medical definitions, not general definitions.... then you can address your doubts with something of a handle on what you're reading. ... And if your measure of factual benefit is limited to what the fucktards at the FDA have to say about it, you're lost already... I've asked MD's (including family) about them over the years, and the FDA is jokers paradise on a lot of levels,.. The well reputed cannabis MD's I've talked with all roll their eyes concerning them, and their "approval" process of so many types of of things besides cannainoids... Look to other countries/studies about this, right? No research going here in Schedule-1-Landia.... Start with GW Pharmaceuticals and the 2 FDA approved medications they offer for cancer and epileptic patients! ....geezuss :wall:
-- bone growth doesn't bloody mean adult bones undergo further actual elongation/growth, why would you even think that? Clearly you have never broken a bone or if you did, learned nothing about how they repair...a bone break shows definite reinforcement of the bone tissue around it, clearly shown in any X-ray... forensic investigation too...THAT IS bone growth, medically speaking!
-- do you know how many diseases are linked to immuno-responses? Can you think of none that may be treated by repressing certain aspects of this very complex system in our bodies?? Again, being literalist doesn't serve you well dude! It doesn't mean CBD tanks your (entire) immune system, FFS.... You really need to learn more about the CB1 and CB2 receptors, our own endogenous cannabinoids, and what they do, and then why/how phytocannabinoids interact with this system...
-- same thing for the bowels as well here.....
-- aaaand same for types of diabetes, and the many other things that affect blood sugar levels,...
-- anti-bacterial is another specific case, it's not affecting all of them like alcohol or something mass-action like that! You think the edible market would have exploded like it has if they gave people such terrible side effects from laying waste to the beneficial microbes in our guts?! Where is your common sense BII? really,....

If you want citations from them, step up and do it, but don't call-out when there are some plainly glaring holes in your understanding of things here from what you question above, sorry,... To have doubts is fine, but have something to back them up besides just that-- doubt... This science, not Faith, facts matter, debunking or confirming alike.... This is the best thing about science, it can and will change if and when evidence and results pile up, shift, or refute... But this overview chart isn't about that.
It is a common sense given that any medicine, chemical, whatever can have potential negative effects... seen info on this as well, dosing is everything for medical applications... Microdosing, specifically.... But keep in mind also there is no LD50 on any cannabinoid established so far, it's why you cannot overdose to lethal levels on it, they simply don't affect the CNS in a way that shuts things down like breathing, heartbeat, or be toxic in other ways.
You are totally missing the entire point of this posting: it's valid info for reference! If folks want to investigate further, they can,... many are already doing this when they come across, or are referred to charts and other info like this...

What is unfortunate about these charts is everybody who publishes this info doesn't share the data from their studies.
That kinna came out wrong...
What I really mean is that if more of their data were released it would appear as being more credible.
These findings could now be compared between different research labs.
From there we can draw our own conclusions.
Charts like the one posted above are often prepared for lay folk to get a quick overview.

It seems to me that it would be in the cannabis industries interests to publish and share as much info as possible.
I 'm convinced that would make Bayer, Monsanto, Ortho, Bristol Myers & Ayers very very happy
Feel free to ask them guy, they will likely bury you in references... The chart is just for reference, yes, and nothing else,...It's not dogma!
As for the last statement, I got no idea WTF you mean by that....:nono: How does ignorance serve the public concerning anything in medical cannabis related? That is what serves the mega-Corp's, does it not?
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