Carbon Filter Setup


Learning as I grow
Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
3Wok OG
I have my carbon filter setup and it ducts out the closet and into my room towards window.

I've just realised that its actually pulling air through the ducting at the window. I'm assuming this will lower my temps, but should I have it blowing air out the ducting to rid the smell better?

Let me know your thoughts
Yep, pull air from the grow through the filter to vent heat and smell.
Yep, pull air from the grow through the filter to vent heat and smell.

So it is ideal for me to have my ducting outside the closet and pull air in?

Or should I keep the ducting inside the closet that way it pulls the air into the filter inside the closet?

I'm just trying to get rid of any possible smell as best as I can
Put the filter in the closet/inside the grow space. Ideally connect your fan directly to the filter to pull air through the filter and then run ducting to where you will vent it. You are aiming to create a negative air pressure in the grow space so that clean fresh air is being drawn in and old warm smelly air is being expelled away from it after passing through the filter.
Put the filter in the closet/inside the grow space. Ideally connect your fan directly to the filter to pull air through the filter and then run ducting to where you will vent it. You are aiming to create a negative air pressure in the grow space so that clean fresh air is being drawn in and old warm smelly air is being expelled away from it after passing through the filter.

So the air from my ducting should be pushing outwards rather than sucking in?
filter and fan inside the tent if you can. Then ducting will carry it all away to wherever you have it positioned.
filter and fan inside the tent if you can. Then ducting will carry it all away to wherever you have it positioned.
I mean, there is two sides to one fan. It pulls air in one side, and out the other. So im wondering which way? The way i have it setup, it sucks air through the ducting. Should it be pushing air out
You should be pulling air out the tent with a carbon filter.. something like this filter+fan ---> air direction out the tent if your air is coming into the tent <--- then your fan is probably the wrong direction and not really being used to cover the smell of growing..

I'm still a little confused on how you have it setup maybe some pictures will help, but yeah air should come out the tent not being sucked into it
that's how it should be so air pulling air out of your carbon filter and ducting to another place so place your ducting on the end were the green arrow is