what up everybody!
min new here and new to growing. I have a cheese autoflower plant that is almost 3 weeks old. It just started turnin yellow about the last 4 days. I had it under lighting schedule for 24/7 just changed it yesterday to 18/6. It’s in coco with perlite soil and some slow release nutrients that came pre packaged. I have been watering with r/o water and cal mag mixed in about 2.5 to 3 ml in the gallon of r/o water. Any help would be appreciated!
min new here and new to growing. I have a cheese autoflower plant that is almost 3 weeks old. It just started turnin yellow about the last 4 days. I had it under lighting schedule for 24/7 just changed it yesterday to 18/6. It’s in coco with perlite soil and some slow release nutrients that came pre packaged. I have been watering with r/o water and cal mag mixed in about 2.5 to 3 ml in the gallon of r/o water. Any help would be appreciated!