Dutch Passion Cinderella Jack bud development question


Perpetual Beginner
May 15, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DIY - CBD:THC Edibles
Hey all. I've got a bunch of girls out this summer. The Daiquiri Lime is the tallest and the slowest, and promises to be the biggest producer. The Glueberry OG has some odd looking but nice fat buds growing. The Cinderella Jack is the one that has me going "hmmmmmmm", at the moment.

You can see from the first picture taken lower on the bud structure that the pistils had started to turn dark. The second pic is of the top of the buds -- and this is happening on all of them -- there is a full on restart of light colored pistils. She's at about day 80.

Anyone know what would prompt that? Is this good, bad, or normal? Thanks!


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its just a little foxtailing..dim or raise the lights a bit if you want the plant to finish quicker... or put her in a corner maybe. More bud for you so dont be too upset!
its just a little foxtailing..dim or raise the lights a bit if you want the plant to finish quicker... or put her in a corner maybe. More bud for you so dont be too upset!
I'll have to give God a call, see if I can get her to dim or raise the sun for me... hahaha ;)

I've seen foxtailing during bud development, but I've seen that present mostly as those puffed up extensions. I've also seen buds continue to produce some new pistils after the initial ones have darkened, but I don't recall seeing this much of a *complete* second wave of new pistils this far along in the grow.

I'm sure it'll turn out fine. All of my DP strains have been a little unusual, but I'm thinking they just have their own way of going about things.
outdoors oops loool.. my bad bro... yeah its just gonna be chunky.. definately some foxtailing but i bet its genetic... my autoblues x sour bubbly did that and the buds turned out massive. gl
How was the smoke from that? Thinking about trying it out someday.
How was the smoke from that? Thinking about trying it out someday.
Hopefully someone who has smoked some can answer that for you... I'm still trying to finish mine.

So far... the buds were super dense, hard as rocks, and the main colas got mold during a humid spell we had. I got nervous as the mold was spreading and I lost another set of major buds, and ended out taking the next set of branches off early, figuring better early than not at all. Those are hanging to dry now. The lowest branches are still out there on the plant attempting to legitimately finish since the air has dried out buying me some time.

The Daiquiri Lime is going to take forever, so, since I have the space in use I'll keep the Cindy Jack bottom branches going. I'd like to get some samples of what it's like when it finishes properly, even if it's just the lower buds. I look forward to growing CJ indoors in a controlled environment, probably in this winter's indoor grow.
Nice on the dense buds. I've grown the ultimate auto a few times and I wish the buds were a bit denser. Can't remember but it seems like they advertised cj as being their highest thc content auto. They are always coming out with new stuff though, so I dunno if that's still the case.
I'm just really looking for that knock you on your ass stone.
Oh I forgot to say that my ultimates foxtailed. Some went over 100days and just seemed to keep making flowers. I bet it is common with dp strains
Nice on the dense buds. I've grown the ultimate auto a few times and I wish the buds were a bit denser. Can't remember but it seems like they advertised cj as being their highest thc content auto. They are always coming out with new stuff though, so I dunno if that's still the case.
I'm just really looking for that knock you on your ass stone.
For a while I think CJ was their highest, but as is the case all over, the numbers keep going up. I think Skywalker is their new champ. I'm totally tapped out on buying seeds, so I'll have to grow the rest of the CJs before I go chasing more THC and get the new best thing.

Oh I forgot to say that my ultimates foxtailed. Some went over 100days and just seemed to keep makng flowers. I bet it is common with dp strains
I'm "only' on day 95, I haven't seen any amber on any of them yet. It does seem to be a DP thing to go a long time to finish. I also notice with the handful I've grown at this point, that they frost up really late in the cycle. I've read that when finished properly, their potency is competitive with other major breeders, I hope that's true. The Daiquiri Lime is a few weeks out still, I hope the weather holds and it can finish fully.

After 95 days, the DL is showing about half as many trichomes as some of my other breeder's strains, and the trichomes are smaller. I hope it either frosts up more, or that "size doesn't matter" and that its small sparse trichomes have as much THC as the other plants big ones? There is a certain intuitive logic to more/bigger trichomes meaning a more potent bud, but I'm not sure if it actually works that way.
Lol yeah who knows. I guess bigger isn't always better. I waited a long time for Amber on my ultimates. If I wasn't pressed for space I world do staggered harvest. Maybe in the future. You might just have to grow her a few times to see what she is really capable of or grow indoors in hydro.