Complexities In The Legal Cannabis Sector US

Nov 8, 2022
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illegal cannabis industry

The illegal cannabis industry is thriving, and not legalizing this drug is only making things worse. Anne van leynseele, one of the active cannabis industry lawyers, through Cultivating Change Media, advocates the legalization of marijuana across America. Cultivating Change Media, founded by Anne herself, combines her two decades of experience and in-depth understanding of the industry. This platform was established with the aim to legalize marijuana on the federal level to achieve two goals; minimization or elimination of marijuana-related crimes and boosting of legal marijuana businesses. To aid the platform's efforts and spread awareness among
Americans, Anne has also released a book, Cultivating Crimes: The Dark Side of Legal Marijuana.

legalization of marijuana

Advocating the legalization of marijuana across the country, Cultivating Change Media, under the supervision of Anne van Leynseele, a cannabis industry lawyer, is aiming to stand for the legalization of marijuana on the federal level. Given how rapidly crimes such as illegal marijuana growing and illegal drug trafficking are rising, there is a need to advocate legalization. Anne has established this platform to achieve a few goals that might help reduce crime rates across the country and may even boost its economy. This platform has been built to accomplish goals that include minimizing marijuana-related crimes, safe use of this drug, and expansion of the legal marijuana market. Anne’s book, Cultivating Crimes: The Dark Side of Legal Marijuana, is also helping spread awareness across the country that will help give the movement for legalization of marijuana on a federal level a boost.

illegal growing and usage of marijuana

America has been dealing with illegal growing and usage of marijuana. War on drugs to address this rising marijuana-related illegal usage, started in the 1980s, and ever since, it has been burdening the American taxpayer. Cultivating Change Media, under the vision of renowned cannabis lawyer Anne van Leynseele, remains committed to advocating for the nationwide legalization of cannabis. We believe that it’s time to look at marijuana through a new lens. We are determined that the federal legalization of marijuana can do wonders for the American dream. It can help us educate people about the side effects of marijuana and can become the nation’s arm in the fight against illegal marijuana growing. We believe it’s time to regulate marijuana and provide relief to the American taxpayer and the legal cannabis businesses.

Speak Up
The war on drugs has gone on for far too long, but we have made meaningful progress in the past decade. Today, 43% of American adults reside in a jurisdiction where the recreational use of marijuana is legal.

Although we’ve come a long way, the fight for legalization isn’t over. For decades now, corrupt marijuana laws have allowed white-collar crime and red-collar crime to run rampant in our communities. Marijuana has been historically vilified to oppress underprivileged groups and racial minorities.

When the system fails, it falls upon us to make a difference. I’m asking you to speak up. Contact your local police, and ask the detectives to look into white-collar crime in your area. If you care about marijuana policy reform, you can also contact government officials such as Governor Inslee and Assistant Governor Ferguson and pressure them to help end unethical laws that hold back the industry and ruin the lives of innocent citizens. Make your voice heard today.

Read more: Top Trending Facts About Marijuana Industry

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Lately, I've been getting really into learning about the weed industry because there's so much buzz about making it legal and all the new tech coming out. It's super interesting to see how things are changing, not just with the laws but also with how weed is made. I came across this cool piece of tech called an automated kief roller. This thing, called Stardust, can make up to 960 joints in just an hour and you only need one person to run it. It can handle all sorts of joints and use different stuff like kief or hash to coat them. I think it's awesome how it helps businesses make things faster and more the same every time. It's just a glimpse of how tech is making a big splash in the cannabis scene, and I can't wait to see what comes next.