Indoor Conversion therapy for gold glue

Aug 23, 2016
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I'm gonna try and self this gold glue. She's just got her first treatment of sts. Hopefully she will change her ways and produce abundance of baby batter for sour stomper and a Kong from roc bud. I haven't had great success trying this last couple times. GG is 3 weeks older than the other two.
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Second spray was a few hours ago. I pull her out, spray her, let her dry, then put her back in. I just started her on a light feed. Will prune in a couple days no need for lots of lower branches the plant is not gonna be smokable.

Sour stomper and Kong are coming along well.
I've been a bit confused by it myself. Seen many say takes a month to see anything but I saw change pretty fast. My last worry is will they open up? There are a lot of sites so I would expect so. The whole plant has been sprayed so pretty much looks like that all over.

If I saved that pollen and pollinate a seed from that plant will I wind up with a total Frankenstein of a plant? Just was pondering that one. I plan to save some for future projects.
Great results here. Pollen is dropping as you can see. The seed bearing plants are still a week or two behind but I don't think that will matter much she should still be releasing pollen for a bit. The few white hairs gold glue had I can see are being pollinated now. Hopefully S1 seeds are good, will grow out the cross of sour stomper x Gold glue when done. Kinda fun to see it work. Gonna figure out how to save some of this pollen too.
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Currently busting nuts all over the place. The kong got culled as she was not looking good for breeding. Sour stomper is just starting to preflower so a couple more weeks at least these 2 will stay together.
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