New Grower Cooling indoor in winter

My tent is in my spare bedroom. I am running a 315 cmh in a 2.5'×2.5'×5'.
The temps right now are fine as the room is fed by the main ac. So its 71 to 73 in the room and 77ish in the tent.

But winter... The room is on the main ac, so when i kick on the heat when temps drop how do i cool it? In the winter the room is the warmest since the door only opens and closes with me. The only thing in there is the tent and guest bed.

How could i bring air in from outside without opening a window (since i turn off my exhaust at night and just run circulation) i dont want smellies getting to my very prohibition neighbors.

Id assume during the day, closing the heat vent and opening a window would be fine, but i know i wont be up or remember at 4a to open and 1030p to close it.

I am the home owner so i do have some play for mods and such, but id like anything done to be easily covered or repaired as grow houses lose a LOT of value.

I should note that im on crawlspace and have an attic access in that room as well. I currently vent out the bathroom vent fan.

committing 1 crime to avoid commiting multiple crimes... is it ethical? is it moral?