Decarboxylation of Cannabis


Regenerative Ag Student For Life
Jan 2, 2011
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KS shared this link with me. I felt it was worth saving here as well... never know when another website might go down.

Cheers KS! :tip:

How to Decarboxylate and fry cannabis oil quickly and completely

Important points:
Decarboxylate in microwave or oven (oven takes more time)
Fry the cannabis until dark brown
Eat with a meal

Butter or oil
Glass plate for microwave/oven dish for oven
Stainless Steel container or pot

Total 6 grams in my photos, which will give you anywhere from 1 to 6 doses. This is just schwag. You can use any amount, just adjust the amount of oil (to submerge cannabis) accordingly.

Decarboxylation Details:

There are carboxyl-group containing cannabinoids like cannabigerolic acid, cannabidiolic acid, which is an oxidocyclized version of cannabigerolic acid, and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, that when they lose thier respective carboxyl group, become psychoactive.

Although all the pharmacologic literature I've read has focused on THCa, CBDa and CBGa, there are more phytocannabinoids that have a carboxyl group in them - who, after being decarboxylated - become psychoactive compounds. Nothing has shown CC's (carboxyl cannabinoids) to potentiate recreational use more then the same phytocannabinoids would as decarboxylated compounds. THIS is why you decarboxylate, to convert your THCa, CBDa, and CBGa all into non-acid forms, our beloved psychoactive compounds. So now that you know why to decarboxylate, here's how:


Microwave each set of 3 grams, for about 1 minute, 30 seconds to 2 minutes each. This is decarboxylation.

On the second batch, I re-microwaved for 1 minute to finish off.

Microwaving cannabis is safer then touching your cannabis with your hand.

If you’re decarboxylating small batches at a time you should learn how to do it in your microwave. And if it works one day, go extra time the next time. You’ll see its harder then you think to ‘burn up’ or ‘destroy’ any active cannabinoids in the microwave. Your herb will smell stronger, more pungent and crumble with ease when it’s decarboxylated - oven OR microwave method.

In the oven, you are going to want to do it for longer then 20 minutes, depending on how much bud you have, it’s degree of dryness, and your chosen temp. 325 to 350 is well known to be safe. At these temps, 25 minutes or more is more than likely necessary. If it smells more dank after the oven decarboxylation than before, and crumbles very easily, its decarboxylated.

Alternatively, you can get a food dehydrator.

You can tell when it's ready, by the strong smell (not THC escaping, but terpenes escaping) and by pinching the bud in your index and thumb finger, and trying to crush it. If the small nugs crumble, it's decarboxylated. Decarboxylation is when the THC-acid molecule looses it's COOH group, converting it from an inactive kidney cleaner, into the psychedelic THC.

How well you decarboxylate, affected by how well you can discern when the cannabis has been decarboxylated, is 50% of making this oil as potent as possible. The other 50%, is frying it until it's dark brown.

If you skip this step, or use your cannabis without it crumbling and dry, it won't be the potent oil it can be.

NOTE: Re-microwaving is safe, if you microwaved for a minute and 30 seconds and it didnt fully decarboxylate, when re-microwaving the microwave has to re-heat the glass plate youre using to hold the plant.

NOTE 2: Always decarboxylate for at least one minute! Even if it's half a gram you're doing. 2 minutes in the microwave at once, does not equal two separate one minute microwaves. The key is to heat, in the microwave, the cannabis until it smells and crumbles like it's decarboxylated.

Does Microwaving Destroy THC?

Yesterday I used the microwave to decarboxylate another batch, but this time I microwaved for 2 minutes, three separate times. This decarboxylated the bud even more! 1 minute 30 seconds to 2 minutes is safe because the glass plate doesnt get hot enough to vaporize the cannabinoids.

Even if you stop it at 2 minutes, mix up the bud on the plate, and microwave for another 2 minutes, it's safe. 2 minute microwaves in two sets does NOT equal 4 minutes in the microwave. 4 minutes will burn your cannabis and cannabinoids, but two separate 2 minute sets works to decarboxylate better than once. Yesterdays batch was stronger and I used less bud, so I know that microwaving the same cannabis twice for 2 minutes each time is safe, and reccomended.


I left the bud with small nugs as you can see on the plate below, because when I try to crush these little nugs I can get a feel for wether the bud has decarboxylated. If they crumble, they are done.

Now you have your 6 (2 sets of 3) grams of decarboxylated cannabis, it should smell stronger then before, be extra dry and crumble when you try to crumble it.



This is my stainless steel container, oil inside, but lard is clear, so you can't see it. This is where you add your oil/butter of choice to the container.


Lard is not the only fat you can cook with, any fat will do, but here's why I use it (among other fats for different occasions):

Lard can be cooked with any meat, and its good to fry in. Potatoes fried in lard, thats what they call chips in the UK. If youre going to use lard for your cannabis edibles I only recommend it if you like how it tastes by itself, and you eat it the way I do in the thread. Reason being, it would taste weird in brownies, and would probably not go well on any sweets in general. Lard works for meats and broths, soups and stocks.

I eat tablespoons of cannabis infused lard with my steak meals, but thats because I've learned that saturated fat is the healthiest fat, because we've been eating it for millenia. It has large amount of saturated and monounsaturated fat. I try to keep my diet at around 65-70% fat, 25% protien and 5-10% carbs. Now that I think about it, I wouldnt eat my infused lard any other way then straight with meat, or possibly soup.

Lard is such a cheap fat, like a dollar a pound, compared to olive oil or coconut oil. Not to mention it's perfect for for frying or cooking, since it has no particles like unrefined coco/olive oil, and tastes great on potatoes and plant foods. If I want to fry some potatoes, cook some meat with bell peppers, onion, or any other vegetables, I always use lard.

If your fat is solid at room temp, like butter or lard or any other saturated fat, melt the lard or butter in the container by itself until the fat becomes a liquid. You obviously melt the butter in the container or pot over the stovetop.

Only add enough to cover the cannabis in the same container!

You can always add extra fat later, remember, but you CANT TAKE ANY OIL OUT after the cannabis is added if you put too much.

Butter bubbles when fried, so butter can help reach any bud that gets stuck on the side of the container.

Combinations of butter and other fats work too.


This is the same container, with melted lard, cannabis, and see the white thing? Thats a little bit extra (solidified at room tempurature) lard for good measure.

Sometimes you need to add a little extra oil to make sure all the cannabis is submerged.

More oil to cannabis will spread out the amount of time it takes for your body to digest the oil and recieve the cannabinoids.



That extra lard will quickly melt down into the rest of the oil.

By this time you have all of your decarboxylated cannabis inside the container, with sufficient fat to cover and submerge the cannabis.

For the frying, you only want to fry for under 5 minutes. The direct flame as you can see, heats the oil and cannabis in the container.

If you have an electric stove, use that, if you have an outdoor stove - thats even better - because there is a little bit of smoke and lots and lots of smell! This is okay and safe and you're doing it right, the smell is terpenes, not active cannabinoids.

Turn on the fans, open the windows, or if you can, do the entire frying process outside. Within about 20 minutes, the smell should dissipate anyway. But for extra safety, be ready to air out location.

Stir consistantly as it fries. It should be smelling and bubbling now. Fry like this, on a medium-high heat until dark brown. This is a fast process, about 5 minutes.


Once you think it's been fried DARK BROWN, wait an extra 30 seconds for good frying measure.

Then - careful not to burn yourself - take the container to cool outside.

When I took a look at the cannabis after being fried, I went back inside, turned the stove top on again, and fried it for an additional 2 minutes. This is because as you can see in the photographs, the cannabis was not COMPLETELY browned...

... This is of course optional, but the more you fry, the more potent the cannabis oil becomes (until you've fried it all out).

Leave it outside to cool and so the smell wont stink up your house, for about 10 minutes or so.




And there you have it! Potent, decarboxylated, properly fried cannabis oil that will knock you on your fucking ass, and then some.

You can have anything from mellow mood change(1/2 gram), regular fun trips(1-2.5 grams) or heroic doses(4 or more grams) with heroic highs using this method.

Anyone who told you that you couldn't actually have a psychedelic trip using cannabis, hasn't done this.

No matter what amount you eat, the effects last the entire day. With this method I only dose once a day, and some days I skip because the stone lingers from the day before.

Eat it with a good sized meal, preferably with protien, some fat and a small amount of carbs. It's safe to eat this infused oil with any meal including a high fat meal.


As you can see, I don't separate the plant material because I eat the oil together with a meal. The plant material contains cannabinoids, you can separate it to use the oil in a recipe, and just eat the plant material separately. This does work for brownies or anything else.

Eat roughly a third to half of your meal, then take tablespoons of edibles as you desire, chase them down with water or a drink, and then finish eating.

Try to make this your 2nd meal of the day, first will work but you don't want first pass metabolism to get any cannabinoids in the oil. If you eat it as your first meal of the day, eat some food 20 minutes before you start taking the oil.


I dosed on this last night 3 grams, and saved the other 3 grams for tonight. I was so gone, 3 grams is actually a bit too much for me. I still feel the cannabinoids in my system more then 24 hours since dose time.

And this is schwag bud and prices. 3 grams comes out to about 3.50 to 4 dollars. The most prominent period of the high lasts for about 6 - 9 hours or more, depending.

I have done as low as 1/2 or a gram, and they still produce long term (6hr+) relief/benefit.
Cheers bro. :smokebuds:

HUUUUUUGE thanks to user Paleo Edibles over at GC forum for taking the time to put up all of the info!! :group::group:

Here's the link to the original article - definitely worth checking out as the thread is 34 pages long and has a lot of good discussion throughout and some links to scientific articles regarding decarboxylation and its importance.

How-to: Paleo's Potent Decarboxylated Cannabis Oil
Mmmm. edibles. All of this is true, myself and I can vouch for the veracity. Its way easier than making hash, has a longer lasting effect and lets face it, you were going to stop by the fridge at some point anyway. Wake up, microwave a small tablespoon of butter and pop some bread in the toaster. You'll be blazing before you've finished making coffee, though like he said, don't do it on an empty stomach. Its not like drinking where it'll make you sick, you just won't metabolize all the thc properly.
My friend makes some all the time and i keep telling him its weak and now i know why..its bin so hard for him to get good results every time now i can school him lol hes gona be mad lol in a good way .
On the weekend I am going fry some and try your recipe. I will cook it outside on the barby that has a wok burner where I can put a small pot or sauce pan to fry some goodness.
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Would it be wise to decarb before making coconut oil pills?