First time grower seeking diagnosis!


I try to grow things
Cultivators Club
Jul 12, 2021
Reaction score
Problem: besides I don’t know what I’m doing, the plants seem stunted for a month old

Medium/grow method: seed starting mix and worm casting potting soil we had in our greenhouse. Outdoors

Feed: and supplements used: seed starter in a small container, changed to a 3 gallon nonwoven container two weeks ago and have noticed growth (5 petals) on leaves ever since. No additional supplements.

water source: tap water. Averaged 1.5 cups per plant, per week.

Strain/age: gorilla glue, Candy Kush, Hindu Kush from growers choice

light used: Sun. Greenhouse is on north facing land

Climate: survived some massive heat-90+ with high humidity.

Additional info: no idea what I’m doing, new to marijuana as well. Bought seeds to help sick family members. Started in containers much to small and recently changed to 3 gallon. The growth doesn’t match any reference photos I can find so I’m assuming something is wrong. Very glad I found this forum!
"light used: Sun. Greenhouse is on north facing land"
They are not getting enough light. Either add lighting or move them to the southside of the house.
"light used: Sun. Greenhouse is on north facing land"
They are not getting enough light. Either add lighting or move them to the southside of the house.
would moving them now cause substantial change in their growth? Or is it a lesson for the next grow?
@greeninNY :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: They do look like they could use some more direct sunlight. You should shoot for at least 42 DLI. Does the greenhouse get full sun all day?


You will want to fertilize now. what do you have available?
@greeninNY :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: They do look like they could use some more direct sunlight. You should shoot for at least 42 DLI. Does the greenhouse get full sun all day?

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You will want to fertilize now. what do you have available?

gets a lot of sun. Not all day.
no fertilizer currently. Any you recommen?
Top dress with some Worm Castings and kelp meal now and then in a week top dress with this:

Does the worm castings and kelp meal have to be added before a 2-8-4 fertilize?
apologies if thats a dumb question!