Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....

:greenthumb: everybody looks spot-on FD! :d5: ... a handy sex split on Roxi's, and it looks like ALF#5's will follow suite- :hump:...gonna be a whole lotta shakin' going on this round? :baby:

.... Hmm, the tea bag,...I'm really curious to see how the roots tackle that,... have you buried them before and seen how well they break down, and root penetration? My concern is if it'll resist enough to not release properly/speedily and end up starving the plant some... plus, it's a barrier between direct soil/soil life contact and the product itself,... I wonder if that'll be of any significance? Oh, and how much did you break down the Tabs, into fine grains, or more chunky? I can see how maybe, if the soil life really attacks the bag, it'll be better than naked tab chunks for release over time,... I see some nice "tea" effect with generous waterings! Do you use any humic-fulvic's? I believe these are great for chelation,... This is going to be a great test FD, on down-scaling Biotabs!

:hothot: Pepp's look happy! I still think you're nutters for messing with jolo's :rofl:... but it's your ass fire, not mine, so I can enjoy vicariously...:nono: :haha:
:greenthumb: everybody looks spot-on FD! :d5: ... a handy sex split on Roxi's, and it looks like ALF#5's will follow suite- :hump:...gonna be a whole lotta shakin' going on this round? :baby:

.... Hmm, the tea bag,...I'm really curious to see how the roots tackle that,... have you buried them before and seen how well they break down, and root penetration? My concern is if it'll resist enough to not release properly/speedily and end up starving the plant some... plus, it's a barrier between direct soil/soil life contact and the product itself,... I wonder if that'll be of any significance? Oh, and how much did you break down the Tabs, into fine grains, or more chunky? I can see how maybe, if the soil life really attacks the bag, it'll be better than naked tab chunks for release over time,... I see some nice "tea" effect with generous waterings! Do you use any humic-fulvic's? I believe these are great for chelation,... This is going to be a great test FD, on down-scaling Biotabs!

:hothot: Pepp's look happy! I still think you're nutters for messing with jolo's :rofl:... but it's your ass fire, not mine, so I can enjoy vicariously...:nono: :haha:

So one of my ALF that i am putting through the gauntlet has one of the tabs in it that i modified. The roots penetrated the bag just fine and it seems that the bag is starting to decompose. So once the plant is done ill pull the rootball and see what we have. given the fact that the plant was dried out enough to remove it from the pot means that its going through some shit, but i want to make sure im not producing hermis over here and that they can finish no matter what they have thrown at them.

Youll get some heat off those, not super hot as i like flavor, but the jolo cross should be good. Also have the scotch bonnet in the garden that is looking quite nice. Ill be harvesting pollen on that one soon to apply to the same plant i hit the jolos with. Just to give you an idea at yield they like to put several in a cluster...
bonnet peppers , shit load of garlic cloves, sum oil, and lime I think... <---- bad ass pepper sauce.. i'll get it in full when I run into the trini neighbours