New Grower Garden of the Hesperides: II


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
This is the second run in my Garden of the Hesperides. A place where there is a single tree on which "golden apples" grow.

Currently growing:

Breeder: Twenty20 Mendocino
Strain: Trizkits

2.3'x2.3' MarsHydro Tent
3 gallon fabric smartpot
Biobizz Lightmix soil
Humidifier (Honeywell hcm-710)
Heater (Honeywell heatbud)
Oscillating fan 6"
ACInfinity 4" fan, filter, and controller

Light: Migro Aray 2 120W

Environmental conditions: 24c/75f & 73%rh

Getting started I dropped a single seed into a shotglass of warm water. It only had 9 hours in the water before being transferred to a peat Jiffy Pellet. Not ideal but time and other constraints forced it.

Starting germination: 2/25/21 into water


6AM 2/26 into the Jiffy Pellet. This seed sprouted in less than 48 hours. Extremely quick germination. It was into the soil by 4pm on 2/28. I pre-soak my jiffy pellets with 6.3-ish ph'd tap water and General Organics BioRoot at 5ml/gallon strength. Then they sit in a plastic germination box with a clear lid on my router until they pop.

Day1: 2/28 into soil - I remove the mesh netting from the jiffy pellet before planting. BioBizz LightMix has been presoaked with ph 6.3 water and BioRoot. I mix tap water and distilled water until I get the ppm down to around 100. My water is over 200 from the tap. Then I add the BioRoot and adjust pH. For the soil presoak I watered just until some runoff through the bottom of the pot. I mix a gallon but it doesn't need the whole thing. The shell on the seed split nicely and came right off.


Day 2:
Marked improvement. Stem straightened and leaves opened with a nice green color. No additions today.

Day 3: Looks to be leaning and searching for the light. Moved the pot a bit as I must have had it off center. Also bumped the dimmer just a touch. Still on 24/0 lighting. Going to try running that until the end of the first week then 18/6.


Full shot:

:woohoo:and we're off.
Day 4: Added nothing. Adjusted the rh down 2 degrees. Running around 70-72% currently and the heater keeping things in the 23-25C / 74-77F range. Once the light intensity goes up the temp will probably rise a bit as well. Hoping for an 80/75 26.5C "day" / 24C "night" temps. Just trying to take a picture everyday and document what I do for a better run overall and to learn. Definitely made some errors last run so hopefully better documentation to the rescue.

Also for a lot of the new people who feel like their plants aren't growing fast enough, I hope this day by day helps show that sometimes all the growth is where you can't see it! We shall see what develops. I only count days from when I see the sprout and place it into its final pot. I've yet to catch one right when it happens. But I'm only on #2!

Todays pics:
The leaves are a bit longer and much flatter.


Dangit! Spelling error. Furk. Well Tenty is it today.

Flat top!