Harvest & Curing Grove Bags TerpLoc® 420 Sweepstakes


Kia ora. Retired to watch the grass grow.
Cultivators Club
Sep 15, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabs of Rosin.

Happy Holidaze Season AFN Community!

Who's ready for a festive contest? Grove Bags has partnered with AFN to rock a community-wide TerpLoc® 4/20 Sweepstakes

AFN Cultivator’s Club TerpLoc® Prizes:

    • TerpLoc® FULL Scope Cultivation Kit (ie. Liners, Wickets, etc)
    • TerpLoc® Burp-Free Cure Kit
    • TerpLoc® Long-Term Storage Kit

AFN General Community TerpLoc® Prizes:

Limited Edition Velvet Soft Touch TerpLoc® Comic Canna Series

Limited Edition Velvet Soft Touch TerpLoc®
Signature Strain Series

Limited Edition Soft-Touch Matte TerpLoc® Mailer Bag Series

Limited Edition Velvet Soft Touch TerpLoc®
Trash Hand Series

Limited Edition Soft-Touch Matte Touch TerpLoc® Greeting Card Series

TerpLoc® AFN 420 Contest Entry Timeline:

February 18th, 2022 - April 20th, 2022

TerpLoc® AFN 420 Contest Entry Rules:

Comment on the contest thread with why you love using TerpLoc® technology for your post-harvest process.

Add #TeamTerpLoc at the end of your comment entry.

Maximum of two comment entries per community member.

TerpLoc® AFN 420 Contest Winner Selection:

The Grove Bags Team will pick 3 winners from the AFN Cultivators club to receive TerpLoc® cultivation kits.

The Grove Bags Team will pick 5 winners from the AFN General Community to receive Limited-Edition TerpLoc®

AFN Contest Policy Note:

Don’t discuss other topics. All prizes are physical TerpLoc® products from Grove Bags. All TerpLoc® prizes ship from Grove Bags Cleveland, Ohio HQ Office Worldwide.

Never Tried TerpLoc® BUT Want To Enter The Contest?

Use our 7% OFF Community-Specific Code “AFNTERPLOC” on store.grovebags.com; for use by AFN Community members ONLY.

Contact us with questions on TerpLoc® Best Practices:

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Mm, yes please! Can never have too many grove bags!
I was hard-core team glass, I liked the ritual of burping and doing daily sniff tests on my jars. I liked how it made me feel like my bedroom was an apothecary. But it didn't take long to outgrow (literally) my jar storage space. I assumed the crispy-ness on my buds was just due to my inexperience in drying and curing.

After seeing so many growers I respect rave about the Grove bags I figured it wouldn't hurt to give them a shot. Ordered myself like 20 of the one oz bags and got them a few days later. Immediately moved all of my jarred buds over cause why not? Next day I grabbed a bag to grind some bud and I was absolutely shocked at the difference in how the buds felt. I want to say they were softer, but that isn't quite the right word. They had definitely lost that crispy-ness though and had become just this really pleasant texture. Its hard to explain. And oh man the aroma! It was almost like the bags breathed new life into my buds, strange as that may sound. I had gotten used to having to stick my nose down into the jars or pull out buds to sniff. Not once I moved to the bags though! Even with plants in full flower only a few feet away I could smell the distinct aromas of my different strains just upon opening them up.

That was back in December and I suppose maybe I've just gotten used to everything smelling like weed all the time, nose blind perhaps. I went to a friend's place with a bag of flower on Thursday that I had absolutely butchered in drying; it's never really had a strong scent in my opinion. I had sealed the bag Wednesday morning since I thought we were going to get together that afternoon. When he cut open the bag Thursday evening I was shocked that the bud inside Immediately filled the room with a pungent lemon funk!

My friend hasn't even started growing yet (keeps saying he's going to order a tent lol) but I already have him sold on going with Grove Bags for storage once he does, just based on his experience with my bags.

If you're gonna put the time, money, and effort into growing to the best of your ability, you absolutely should be paying just as much attention to curing the right way. Grove bags make the process so much simpler and way more effective.

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I have just swapped over to Grove bags and already know I'll never go back to jars while I can get my mits on these.
No more clacking jars and getting my knarley old gorilla hands stuck in em :crying: :smoking:
Oh my god YES.....want ... want :smoking:
I'm so annoyed with buckets and jars that I have been wanting to switch to all bags for both drying and curing for quite some time.
I can't say I've had the pleasure of using Grove Bags :shrug: I have been drying my bits in old shoe boxes and then jars up till now, it gets the job done, but I seem to lose all the smell from my weed :wall: so to have a product that will help cure my goodies properly would make my day :pighug: thanks for the opportunity guys :pass:
I was told to give Grove Bags a go in my first grow, so i didn’t even try glass method and i’m sure enough i will never need to use them. It’s just super easy to use the bags, put weed inside and forget :D the bags does it all, sweating out the buds, keeping the RH level, and obviously doing magic with the curing process!
I've been using Grove Bags for about a year now. They make storage a breeze without having to worry about smell and keeping the buds
fresh way after harvest time. It's like taking a fresh cured bud out of the bag 6 months later and remembering the first time you got a
whiff of those terps. They are my go to bags for storage and curing now and I can repurpose my glass jars for something else now.