New Grower Harle-tsu FirsTime

Hello group my name is Nez, I am paralyzed from my shoulders down and wanted to grow CBD. So he chose Harle tsu, I was surprised to find out the seeds I purchased auto flower and started to see budding add around three or four weeks. I have no idea what to do so I just let it grow! Now it is going on nine weeks and the flowers are pretty big. I don't want to overgrowth them so this is where I need your help, please look at the pictures I am posting and let me know your thoughts. Thank you!


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They look great! Welcome to AFN! Still have at least a couple of weeks to go
Hi, there are so many thoughts out there but what should I be looking for? Like I said don't want it to over grow. Can't wait to if this helps my pain. thank you.
hi nez and welcome to afn my wife uses cbd for pain and shes is a huge fan of it she got arthritis and fibromyalgia also your girls still have a way to go yet you can tell when shes maturing as the white hairs will turn brown that will be a good indicator
1st sign you're getting close to harvest is almost all of those white hairs will turn red and squeeze up against the buds. Usually a couple of weeks after that is harvest time. Digital microscope will help nail down exactly when. From the pictures I'd say your about a month away :thumbsup:
1st sign you're getting close to harvest is almost all of those white hairs will turn red and squeeze up against the buds. Usually a couple of weeks after that is harvest time. Digital microscope will help nail down exactly when. From the pictures I'd say your about a month away :thumbsup:
Hello, so today a friend came over and we looked at the plants this plant is slowly dying. Maybe you guys can help me diagnose it but just the pictures so I don't repeat this. My other two are fine they both I much taller than this one, this one here in a picture it had a growth problem from the start. As you can see from the picture the buds are drained up and further examination there is mold inside the buds. I didn't want to trade and save it because it might infect the healthy plants so I pulled it, I don't know if that was the right decision but I just freaked out. Like I said I don't want the other plants to start doing this. By the way I am growing in a greenhouse that we built and the plants get plenty of water so I don't know what what went wrong.


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Looks like bud rot. Gotta throw the rotten stuff out. Caused by to much humidity/not enough air flow. It can definitely be a problem with big buds
Looks like bud rot. Gotta throw the rotten stuff out. Caused by to much humidity/not enough air flow. It can definitely be a problem with big buds
Hi friends! I think we are ready! What do you think?


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