How to use vermicompost

Feb 21, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well!

Sorry for the very noob questions, but I was hoping to get some help getting started with my next grow.

I am about to start a worm farm bin and coincidentally also my next grow. I ordered some biobizz light mix and I guess I probably wont have any worm byproduct for more than a month? Anyway, I have been trying to get some info on this but I cant seem to find any. Most people add worm castings to the soil, but is it possible to use worm castings as your only fertilizer? The liquid that collects at the bottom of the bin called lecheate, is that usable? I have read conflicting things, some saying it is liquid gold, while others say it may contaim harmful bascteria and thus should not be used.

I am trying to keep it simple stupid as I am very busy these days. Is organic the right thing for me or should I just follow an AN perfect ph schedule and try to prepare ahead of time for organic next time?

Thanks a lot for your help guys.

I wish you all the best.

Time is needed for organic , If I was you I would stick with AN for now and in your spare time study up on organics , you will find all the info you need right here . Organic takes time , there are no short cuts , And no worm casting alone is not enough , it is part of a whole .. Will worth your while to put in the time if you are interested in organics and you will get all the help you need here . :thumbsup:
It is NOT advisable to use worm castings as your only nutrient source for an entire grow cycle. Is it possible to pop a bean in soil that doesn’t have anything other than EWC as a nutrients source and have it grow to produce a flower? Sure. Will that flower be high quality and in any amount worth the effort? No. Not from my understanding. For one, your EWC is unlikely to contain enough P & K. My suggestion (as someone who’s no expert but a bit further down the road you’re on) is to run the AN in your Biobizz and work on your worm bin throughout a cycle. Depending how many worms you have and what you feed them, you MAY have enough EWC to play with on your next cycle. Keep in mind, EWC is not all equal - quality “in” will give you quality ‘out’ with your castings.

HTH. Good luck with your grow!
Wow thanks a lot for your quality input guys! Really appreciate it.

I look forward ro starting organic. Is the quality, in your experience, significantly better over non-organic?

What about mixing the AN with lecheate, do you think that is a good or a bad idea? How would I go about it?

Thanks a lot
“Better” or “quality” is a pretty subjective term. I think organic, soil grown produces a more flavorful product and that it’s a more effective medicine. That’s just a personal opinion with zero science behind it. You are unlikely to get the yield you will with synthetics but there’s a trade off with everything. I don’t mind the idea of loosing a bit of yield to gain what I think tastes better and I know is 100% natural and was grown as nature intended, with no man-made chemicals.

I think leachate from a worm bin are fine but I probably would just add them during a watering, rather than during a feeding. If you really want to combine them with your AN nutes, reach out directly to AN and ask them their advice.

Happy growing!
In terms of quality an medical value I believe organic is better .In my opinion the effect lasts longer an is stronger as well .In the terms of easy it much easier to buy nutes an soil read a feeding schedule an go but organics takes years of studying an learning a process an how microbes in soil work is pretty advanced stuff but if its something that you dig it will come naturally .
For me as a medical user I quit pain pills full of chemicals an switched to cannabis why would I want chemicals in my cannabis .
Thanks a lot for the input guys! AFAIK I have never tried purely organic grown, so I cannot speak for it. But I do believe the huge amount of anecdotal evidence must have some truth behind it. I would also like to know my impact on the planet is cut down significantly, which is also why I am starting a worm bin.

Until next time. Cheers!
In terms of quality an medical value I believe organic is better .In my opinion the effect lasts longer an is stronger as well .In the terms of easy it much easier to buy nutes an soil read a feeding schedule an go but organics takes years of studying an learning a process an how microbes in soil work is pretty advanced stuff but if its something that you dig it will come naturally .
For me as a medical user I quit pain pills full of chemicals an switched to cannabis why would I want chemicals in my cannabis .

Yeah, it’s a bottomless rabbit hole! Lol! I think BioBizz and some of the AN product line gets you pretty close, for those wanting to get their toe into the organic thing without totally committing.

@Odissey If you’re interested in organics you could consider a nutrient pack from KIS Organics or Build a Soil. Amend some soil, let it cook a couple weeks and go water-only for a good part of your grow. It’s an easy way to get started, if you’re interested. Later, in flower you can top dress with your worm castings, guano and a source of K and you may be able to finish off. Also, both of those companies offer some BADA$$ Water only organic soil you can buy and plant right away in.
“Better” or “quality” is a pretty subjective term. I think organic, soil grown produces a more flavorful product and that it’s a more effective medicine. That’s just a personal opinion with zero science behind it. You are unlikely to get the yield you will with synthetics but there’s a trade off with everything. I don’t mind the idea of loosing a bit of yield to gain what I think tastes better and I know is 100% natural and was grown as nature intended, with no man-made chemicals.

I think leachate from a worm bin are fine but I probably would just add them during a watering, rather than during a feeding. If you really want to combine them with your AN nutes, reach out directly to AN and ask them their advice.

Happy growing!
I grew a mephisto in one side of my worm bin only added water. It grew prtty good smell was fabulous but plants were short and not that productive as compared to others grown in soil.