I want to quit smoking cigarettes.

Sep 23, 2014
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I am 45 and I have been smoking cigs way to long. I ordered an e-cig vaporiser today. I would like to hear some examples of those that have quit smoking cigarettes and those that have used the e-cig vapes.
Well congrats on making the choice to quit, I am 31 now I started smoking cigs when I was 13. I just recently quit myself cold turkey, I have about 7 and 1/2 months under my belt. I was going to use the gum but then I thought well If I use the gum then really all I am doing is replacing one form of nicotine with another. Surprisingly the only really bad days were the first 4 days I had actual physical W/D after that it is all mental, I can say now honestly that I could care less about smoking cigs, being around people that smoke does not bother me. I would say I am free from that addiction. I am glad you decided to quit man, if you need any support or whatever I am here just msg me or post on your thread. :) again CONGRATS.!:vibe::thumbsup::woohoo1:
1guy, I smoked my last Jan 29th this year and i could not have done it with out my e-cig, I have...(edit) had been a smoker for 23 years and had tried every other method available to me to no avail. But my vape saved the day or maybe my life. I use an Aspire CE5 tank on a kanger 900ma battery vaping 50/50 pg/vg in a sweet tarts flavor, it's delicious. I am working my way down on nic level and feel better every day, I can taste and smell good again! I hope you have stuck with it, but I will say I had my vape for about a year using it in the car, at work ect just kind of easing myself into it before I made the plunge. I hope this helps, if you have any questions about vaping feel free to ask. Good luck brother, keep up the fight!
I am 42 years old been smoking since i was 14 years old. The only time I had quit was in basic and then in ranger school. As soon as I was done with both I went right for a cig.

My suggestion is you MUST commit to quitting. Otherwise It does not matter how you do it. You will fail without conviction.

It doesn't matter if its using ecig, gum, patches ect. If you are not committed you will fail. I tried with an ecig twice. the first time I wanted a cig after vaping so that didn't last long. The second time I bought a better ecig mod That helped me be more satisfied but the urge to not light up still never went away. I switched to vaping canna thinking no more smoke period. This helped a lot but still...that urge to bum a smoke was always there and sure enough guess what happened.

So now I'm on another route Chantix I have been nicotine free for 4 months now I am in the process of weaning off the Chantix and I couldn't be happier. I am now one of those ex-smokers that smokers hate LOL. Food tastes better, smells smell better, I'm outside more, walking my dogs. I even started exercising. I wake up feeling good you will be amazed at how much your life will change for the better

So what is your end game?

This is the ultimate question. If you don't mind taking in nicotine and you just want to do it in a healthier way, throw away what smokes you have left, and swear you will never put a cig in you mouth again not even once. Make sure you do not buy a cheap ecig get a decent mod and tank you will have better satisfaction when you hit it.

If you want to become non-dependent on nicotine my suggestion is cold Turkey with or without the help of meds. Power thought it and one day you will look at smokers and remember how much it sucks to be one of them.

I know its hard but when you pull it off you will be happy. Do not give up trying. If you fail and smoke a cig do not say fuck it keep on going. Get support from loved ones. Don't hang out with other smokers especially if they don't respect your want to quit.

Get past the first couple of weeks and your brain will not be dependent on nicotine anymore after that its all in your head.

Good luck to you brother.
My wife grew up around tobacco. She started smoking Players non filtered cigarettes at the age of 12 she was one of the hardest smoking people I have ever seen and me Being a devout AA member I have seen my fair share. Well she tried a vapor pen with the highest amount of nicotine. I have since bought her a high quality mid price unit and she has not drawn off of a cigarette in four months I am blown away I thought I would see her smoking until the day she died. The instant hit of a high dose of nicotine felt better to her than the cigarettes she was smoking. She said I want one of those. And right up until that point she had no intention of even trying to quit I shit you not. I went right to the store and bought one. I am in no way saying that this will work for everyone but it sure has worked for one of the most addicted smokers I have ever encountered
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Have used a ecig mod and tank to successfully give up smoking myself 4 months ago now, after a member here turned me on to them shortly after joining and i could still never thank him enough.
My overall general health and fitness levels are so much higher and i can be active without loss of breathe, were as before 2 mins and i would be struggling to breathe after a small jog, just gives you a all round boost in energy and well being.
Made me realise how much my sense of taste and smell were wrecked and only now is it coming back to a normal level, and that is after some major dental cleaning work, but god is it worth the cost and pain to be able to taste the flavors in weed again :)
Also it is not all plain sailing even without the nicotine withdrawal as you body still gives you pain and discomfort as it repairs itself, i have had chest pains for a month after quitting and coughing up black specks in my phlegm, mouth ulcers and sores that are from infections that the smoke kept at bay till i quit but at the same time caused them. The latest has been a trip to the docs and some tests after i noticed discomfort in my intestines and a swollen lump (not a pleasant wait for a diagnosis) turned out to be IBS that has been there for a while, but the effects of the cig smoke kept it almost dormant so was never really shown more than the fact i always fart lots.

After 20 years of smoking giving up is one of the most life changing things i have done, and the e cig has really made it easy i would never say they are safe when recommending them, but would say hand on heart is 1000s times safer than tobacco smoke. I started out on 18mg nicotine after a month down to 12mg and now for the past month am comfortable on 6mg.

Try find some good quality handmade juice supplier in your country (there is lots of info through Google) and get some juice that way, rather than mass produced brands you get better quality, flavour and customer service and like grow shops the more you come back, the better the freebies.

Feel free to send us a PM any time you want some info or to chat ecigs and will be more than happy to help.
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Nicotine is deceptively very addictive and should not be under estimated the hold it has on you. Also habit is 50% will be your challenge to stop smoking cigarettes. I stopped cigarettes many years ago it is a real mental challenge to kick cigarettes.

I suggest you prepare mentally before starting to give up because you will be challenged in the first few weeks on your need to "enjoy" a cigarette. This alone should demonstrate how addictive nicotine is.

Have a very good reason to quit, this helps in the tough times ahead.

Habit: the other 50% is associated with your association to enjoyment, being calm etc.
Example: After sex you may enjoy a cigarette. Therefore it will seem the whole process of sex is incomplete without following through with a cigarette. This would apply to a meal, a cup of coffee, at a social event etc.

You will miss the final step of a cigarette but after a few weeks it will be a distant memory of how you used to depend on cigarettes to fulfil a basic human need to be at ease with yourself.

Anyone can give up cigarettes if they have the will power. For me I did not want nicotine controlling my life....I am in control of myself. Also any time you give up and later relapse, you return to your previous intake of nicotine almost instantly.

eg. 1 cigarette a day or a pack a day. Where you stopped is where you quickly return to start again. Never underestimate nicotine, it will be waiting for you in troubled times and pretend to be your friend.

Good luck.
Hey 1Guy. I used to smoke. The wife and I started with provari's and moved on to REO Mech mods and haven't looked back ever since. It has now been over 2 years! I make our own juices too! We started out with about 18mg and are down to just below 6mg. We're almost to the point of where we're done vaping but I enjoy it....so maybe not. lol
I've heard that the herbs such as Velvet bean and Calamus help with cessation. Best of luck to you, man!
Addiction to cigarettes is really really strong and it can play weird mindgames with you. I was fortunate enough to have just smoked about 15 years before I called it quits. I did it with by first just reducing the overall amount of cigarettes a day and after a month just as often but just half cigarettes each time. Then after a month of that tone it down a little and then just quit totally.

It was absolute agony to be without cigarettes for me when I quit totally. Cold sweats, mood problems, first couple of days I had to go to where there are not lot of people to just scream loud to make myself feel better. It is so individual thing how you best strategize that; I was used to stronger cigarettes from back from military days when it was more reasonable to puff away heavier loads so you can be longer without if needed.

Now I've been bit over 2 years without and only now I can start to say that I don't have temptations anymore..... first month is pure hell, first year is full of temptations. Like the smell of the spring time melting snow and sun shining does feel oddly hollow without that cigarette you used to light up enjoying the day... It is devastating feeling before you get over it. It takes a lot of willpower! I wish you best with the effort!

OH! One thing that helped me a lot was to always have mints on hand. Just suck on those, keep your breath fresh too :)