If you grow with organic nutrients in soil do you use regular ph down?

I admire you green thumbed guys/gals out there. I seem to be missing this gene as everything I put in soil dies... That's why Hydroponics has been such an relieve for me. All technical & math, everything can be measured and accounted for. Just the way I am I guess ;)
I honestly think that is one of the most important parts of growing.. Finding a style that fits YOU and how your brain works. That's a huge advantage. I try to tell that to most new growers. They should pick a grow style that makes sense to them! I tried almost all other grow styles and struggled a lot with them. Organic, no till is my comfort zone. It's what makes sense to me, lol.
Thanks. The ascorbic acid vitamin c powder that I use to remove the chlorine or chloramine in the tap water does lower the ph and I can put a little more in it to get the ph to 6 - 7 for it. I think I may do that and then if the ph drifts up in the reservoir I may not worry that much about that for it on there.
Thanks. The ascorbic acid vitamin c powder that I use to remove the chlorine or chloramine in the tap water does lower the ph and I can put a little more in it to get the ph to 6 - 7 for it. I think I may do that and then if the ph drifts up in the reservoir I may not worry that much about that for it on there.
I didn't know you were talking about water that is sitting in a res. That makes a differnce. I thought you were talking about hand watering as needed. The ph of water rises with time.. So if you ph your water to 6.0 and it sits in the res for 3-4 days, the ph will not be 6.0 any more. I can't say how much it will rise or how fast, but it will rise. You'll want to check the ph in the res every few days and make sure it's where you want it to be.
Thanks. If the soil has the microbes then the ph drift in the reservoir is not a problem for the plants right? If I plan to ph the water to 6 then let it sit in the reservoir and if it drifts up to 7 or 7.5 then the microbes would still be able to use it right? I thought that would work for it on there.
Thanks. If the soil has the microbes then the ph drift in the reservoir is not a problem for the plants right? If I plan to ph the water to 6 then let it sit in the reservoir and if it drifts up to 7 or 7.5 then the microbes would still be able to use it right? I thought that would work for it on there.
Yes, if your soil is active, then a drift to 7-7.5 is fine.