Well i think i can finally visualize some way to implement the perfect purist's 100 % Glass Path simultaneously featured with convection mode, but before i explain it here lets revisit this quote related to my favourite transitional context of "Micro-Bursting" (which is the contrary of steady & slow, as in thermostatic):
...mainly radiative heat followed by a reconverted conductive complement...
E. G. In a dynamic situation radiative mode will dominate initially and then the roles presumably reverse, but i'd never want my IH driver to burst for more than 5 seconds anyway, 10 at most when battery cells get seriously depleted. And of course pre-heat time directly depends on energy output, specific heat capacity and mass - so a lighter energy budget fits better and hence any wasteful design partly defeats portability...
In any case this is what i liked most so far, early from the start and very basic:
( My Lava fantasies, Fault-Tolerant 2-Cells IH Driver KISS design, 2014-Sep-24 )
left blue part... It runs on
only 2 batteries, except in my LAVA neo-fantasy concept each cell would be electrically isolated from the other - a long story on fault-tolerance, long-term reliability concerns from electrically/mechanically stressed contacts, etc... The rest shall remain on my wish-list for some while.
IMO the solution to our immediate convection challenge now appears to reside in the inner borosilicate "Banger Cup" itself:
mold it!!
Instead of a flat 2-D surface wrapped around a tube it simply needs to gain just enough thickness to engrave a pair of concentric helical channels into the glass surface, with both heat-exchanging paths joining on 1 side of the "Banger Cup" (
VapBong-like...) in order to form a coaxial aerial path, entering such borosilicate ovenizer from its outermost top Inlet hole(s), spiraling down only a couple turns until connected to its innermost heat-exchanging path that goes back up toward a center junction where this can terminate quite conveniently right under the bowl socket equally located on top, for example... Briefly put this would be the cylindrical 3-D version of my old flat fry pan (planar) fantasy shown below:
( NGVF - LavaDisc - Heat-Exchanger Spirale & Center Hole )
( Thermostatic Curie-effect Fry Pan plus Heat-Exchanger system )
The purpose being to ovenize & store some sufficient amount of "Release/Transport" convective "Agent" (separate/static pre-heat phase
( David vs Goliath Burst-mode Sling Analogy )
...getting ready to blow energy into the bowl as airflow (final transitory inhalation phase
#2) begins shortly after - but not simultaneously because that's bursting rather than slow 'n steady...
After all there's not much air-pocket volume in a VaporGenie SiC "flame filter". Which for me boils down to a same reality: i can't shape glass any more than i craft SiC foam! So actually it's a manufacturer's own duty, expecially with that sort of price tag$ attached.
But it still got me curious and conservatively optimistic, with fingers crossed that's no typical "DNA" inside...
Good day, have fun!!