ISpire "The Wand" INDUCTION device

Salutations NiceNEasy,

Good looking kit.

Many years ago Loto Labs demonstrated some minimalist 1-battery (mostly e-Cig) concept with their Evoke/Lux, Mazzilli/Royer ZVS (DiY) setups routinely empower DV VCs with 3 these days and now there's this fresh-new 2-cells trade-off finally optimizing portability IMO (though at the expense of relying on external pre-processing via dabs).

I wonder could you throw some hash or bud in that?

Hummm... The little details available seem to advertise Precise Temperature Control (450-800°F) but that's for dabbing workloads of hollow spherical shape if i'm not mistaking. As a wild guess i'd suspect ISpire ain't offering Dry Herb (much less hashish) solutions probably because of limitations similar to those met by Loto labs before, which makes me think the DynaVap VapCap might wery well happen to prove overweight for this - or perhaps that's where an option between "Manual" vs "Auto" comes handy (??), go figure...

In any case we can find some more useful information out there:

So, its critical protection features are said to include: Sensor (NTC), 16 A Over-Current, "No Load" and High-Temp. conditions.


Look here for a rudimentary impression on internals:

Ispire Wand (2021-Mar-31)

While this confirms presence of a battery door:

Replacement cells are the 18650 type and since there are 2 of them then it most likely translates into 4 high-current series-connected mechanical contacts, e.g. future will tell how this works on the test field over a long-term period.

Last but not least, be advised among its accessories there's an original tripod socket, shown from yet another video:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Well, these videos definitely don't start by showing what needs to be seen at 1st glance:

Ispire "The Wand" Enail Dab Kit Product Spotlight (2021-Mar-31)

Apparently there IS a Dry Herb option after all! Go figure what else may also have escaped my attention... :doh:

So, the IH "susceptor" for their Dry Herb option looks cylindrical and hollow, wrapped in glass but a closer view might help to understand which heat vectors are at play exactly. Presumably that's no real convection, more like of some fair cheat mixing radiative & conductive modes i guess.


If so conversion to true convection mode remains a desirable goal and i think it might take this form instead:


Silicon Carbide is an excellent heat-conductor in bulk material form, in this present case SiC Foam shall prove being nearly ideal for a heat-exchanger which is intended to temporarily store energy until the consumer's inhalation results in a depleted "Heat Charge" (Q)... In other words these puff can get conveniently "packetized", thanks to this basic feature of Induction Heat:


IMHO eventually paving the way to precision "Micro-Dosing"... :wiz:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
More update:

Details to focus on:

« Our Bangers are made from Borosilicate Glass and use inner cups (not to scale) made from the same material that has ferrous metal encased in between two sealed walls of Borosilicate completely sealed away from the dabbing environment and creating absolutely clean and sealed Borosilicate Glass Banger cups. This one of its kind Banger Cups combination is designed to specially heat by induction created by the wand, completely different but more heat efficient and easy to clean than a torch heated banger. » (Sourcemore, Hong Kong)​

So it's not implying direct contact and that's garanteed "absolutely sealed" by Borosilicate Glass, which probably means there's mainly radiative heat followed by a reconverted conductive complement, but little convective contribution i presume, as this ain't using any porous/heat-exchanger material at all...


Well i think i can finally visualize some way to implement the perfect purist's 100 % Glass Path simultaneously featured with convection mode, but before i explain it here lets revisit this quote related to my favourite transitional context of "Micro-Bursting" (which is the contrary of steady & slow, as in thermostatic):

...mainly radiative heat followed by a reconverted conductive complement...

E. G. In a dynamic situation radiative mode will dominate initially and then the roles presumably reverse, but i'd never want my IH driver to burst for more than 5 seconds anyway, 10 at most when battery cells get seriously depleted. And of course pre-heat time directly depends on energy output, specific heat capacity and mass - so a lighter energy budget fits better and hence any wasteful design partly defeats portability...

In any case this is what i liked most so far, early from the start and very basic:
( My Lava fantasies, Fault-Tolerant 2-Cells IH Driver KISS design, 2014-Sep-24 )

The left blue part... It runs on only 2 batteries, except in my LAVA neo-fantasy concept each cell would be electrically isolated from the other - a long story on fault-tolerance, long-term reliability concerns from electrically/mechanically stressed contacts, etc... The rest shall remain on my wish-list for some while.


IMO the solution to our immediate convection challenge now appears to reside in the inner borosilicate "Banger Cup" itself: mold it!! :wiz:

Instead of a flat 2-D surface wrapped around a tube it simply needs to gain just enough thickness to engrave a pair of concentric helical channels into the glass surface, with both heat-exchanging paths joining on 1 side of the "Banger Cup" (VapBong-like...) in order to form a coaxial aerial path, entering such borosilicate ovenizer from its outermost top Inlet hole(s), spiraling down only a couple turns until connected to its innermost heat-exchanging path that goes back up toward a center junction where this can terminate quite conveniently right under the bowl socket equally located on top, for example... Briefly put this would be the cylindrical 3-D version of my old flat fry pan (planar) fantasy shown below:

( NGVF - LavaDisc - Heat-Exchanger Spirale & Center Hole )
( Thermostatic Curie-effect Fry Pan plus Heat-Exchanger system )

The purpose being to ovenize & store some sufficient amount of "Release/Transport" convective "Agent" (separate/static pre-heat phase #1):

( David vs Goliath Burst-mode Sling Analogy )

...getting ready to blow energy into the bowl as airflow (final transitory inhalation phase #2) begins shortly after - but not simultaneously because that's bursting rather than slow 'n steady...

After all there's not much air-pocket volume in a VaporGenie SiC "flame filter". Which for me boils down to a same reality: i can't shape glass any more than i craft SiC foam! So actually it's a manufacturer's own duty, expecially with that sort of price tag$ attached.

But it still got me curious and conservatively optimistic, with fingers crossed that's no typical "DNA" inside...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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M'well, don't search for patented commercially-available convection-based IH delivery just yet, not even from the man who produced the very 1st single-battery/still-portable Evoke/Lux vaporizer:

YouTube - Neeraj Bhardwaj: Creating the Magnetic Induction Vaporizer (2021-Jul-9)

Welcome back to marketing 2014 v2.0! At least this other industrial pioneer managed to demonstrate Induction Heat using only 1 power cell, which has real value though his product's Dry Herb delivery method proved significantly less performing (and popular...) than what seemed to be announced initially; personally i felt such fanfare was more like social noise.

This is over half-an-hour of vocal podcast relayed via YouTube though actually based on GanjaPreneur. Despite all past insistance over switching from a conduction-mode (IH "susceptor") heater rod to convective mode we may want to bet it's never going to happen in reality. Imagine taking advantage of the Curie effect... Little of this was even corrected by the "Legend" model, no joy there neither.

For a brief glimpse on a few rare graphic perspectives i'd suggest visiting VapeMuseum or even TopVaporizer (.Ru)!

IMO this hot-rod delivery method was improvised at best, i like the cylindrical foil better as it adds a fair amount or radiative heat i presume. Which is most regrettable if considering the manufacturer apparently got the means to do much more; here's a blurred view of their PCBoard as proof:


But has any IH-driven Glass Capsule implemented by Loto Labs ever caused the ground to shake anyway?...

Truth is direct metal-contact ain't no purist feature and it's certainly wasting unique potential in a context of Induction Heating. Too bad ISpire's Wand happens to be a simple trade-off offering its 100 % glass path at the cost of an additional thermal interfacing layer - e.g. the susceptor's conduction/radiative heat now reaches its workload with a delay, the usual slow/steady fashion i think.

Couldn't get more IH-blind than that... As i wrote before, getting both purist and convection pulse-heating simultaneously will require some fairly improved level of planning. But it works when combined to a DV VC, right?...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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