lime in coco coir

Mar 31, 2015
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i know it's 1 tbsp. of dolomite limestone per pound of coco but is that wet or dry weight?
Put the lime in the coco, nut! :p

I'm not sure if coco is different in this regard, but in soil I've always went off volume, not weight. 1 TBS lime per gallon of soil medium.
doesnt dolomite lime raise the soil or medium :headbang: up to a ph of 7 :yoinks: if so that would be to hi for coco :passit: PicSketch-2015-03-20-23-48-13.jpg
i know it's 1 tbsp. of dolomite limestone per pound of coco but is that wet or dry weight?
It is my understanding that liming coco is not the best plan. You need to keep pH at ~5.8 to 6.2 in coco, and dolomite will fight you on that. Careful monitoring of your nute mix ph is a better plan, as well as pH of runoff if your setup includes that. Coco is not soil...
It is my understanding that liming coco is not the best plan. You need to keep pH at ~5.8 to 6.2 in coco, and dolomite will fight you on that. Careful monitoring of your nute mix ph is a better plan, as well as pH of runoff if your setup includes that. Coco is not soil...
Not for nothing @Olderfart, but the post you're referencing is 4 1/2 yrs. old. Back then growers thought that was de rigueur. I think they believed the flushing nonsense as well.
Not for nothing @Olderfart, but the post you're referencing is 4 1/2 yrs. old. Back then growers thought that was de rigueur. I think they believed the flushing nonsense as well.
Oh FFS, and I wasn't even sampling the goods. I will have to pay more attention... :biggrin: :thanks: