Good morning buddy :tonic:

Morning pinky so your just stuck in the hospital bed with morphine and ice cream :yoinks::cooldance::yay::doh:

My wife is complaining that the house smells like weed, but my Twenty20 ChicLit and Strawberry Biscotti are barely showing sex. Handling the Strawberry Biscotti does release a delightful skunky aroma though since very early on, any time I touch the leaves. I can't smell it upstairs, but she doesn't smoke and has a very sensitive nose. I suppose I'll turn on the exhaust booster. The wind-powered turbine exhaust is usually enough.
Did they say how long you'll be out of service? When I crushed my toe the orthopedist told me that no matter what size of bone, it takes 12 weeks for a fracture to fully heal.
Ya idk. When the spine team came in they weren't particularly positive. They were more like how have you been able to do anything and how much pain are you in? They said i should have a walker. They're pretty much force feeding me nonstop now cuz im already so weak and they're taking so many labs tryna figure it out. Not complaining :biggrin: :glutton: they also said that they're treating it like i was in an accident and won't even touch it for 2 weeks while they monitor it and find out what other damage, if any , pops up because my bones have been out of position.
I have no idea n neither do the doctors... I've had the bone density/ strength test and i was above average so I'm not brittle :shrug: I'm wondering if theyve all just had little hair line cracks built up over time and all the strain of working through all my gut issues the past months, being weaker, more tired , just finally made the whole thing go View attachment 1676653
Next time u are working on a 2nd floor somewhere u should just play it off like u fell down the stairs at the job! Collect dem workers comp checks! :eyebrows::rofl::d5:
Next time u are working on a 2nd floor somewhere u should just play it off like u fell down the stairs at the job! Collect dem workers comp checks! :eyebrows::rofl::d5:
My 24 year-old neighbor here in the ghetto had me take photos of her lying in a twisted position at the bottom of her attic stairs so she could sue her landlord. One of the top ambulance-chaser law firms took on the case. They sent her to a crooked doctor who gave her a neck brace to wear. She wore it for a couple of weeks, but took it off at night so she could try and make money as a stripper at the clubs. That didn't work very well, because she had emotional problems and would cuss the guys out before she could sell a lap dance. The club required her to get at least 5 guys to buy her drinks, and by then she was too drunk to perform very well on the pole. The injury case didn't get very far either. Now she's 45 and works as a school bus aide.