Sitting in the morning.........................Murk...........🤔.......


Pfft apparently we are due a stormy week........

Ahhhhhh..................the memories!

And I remember Mom trying to pull a slick one at Christmas time. I was around 5 or 6 at the time. We went to the "Stamp store" in Dallas well before Christmas.There was really pretty much everything that was available at regular department store.
I remember this very cool telescope and microscope kit. There were various lenses and tubes that you could swap around and make a simple telescope or a simple microscope out of the same tubes just switching out the lenses and the arrangements.

And when Christmas morning arrived, there was that kit! And naturally it had my name on it and it was from Santa! But that tag didn't fool me! I told my parents that Santa didn't bring this, it was from the Stamp Store! :funny: :funny:

And I think it was double stamp Wednesdays at the grocery store! And here's what the dispenser looked like at the grocery store.