You weren't dabbing when I started on this site so technically your still in the minor leagues bro lol. Ive been dabbing consistently since 2011/2012. I was here when you got your set up remember? I've gone through my fair share of mistakes but I have never owned an ir thermometer and still took me quite a while to chaz a nail after years of practice lol.
Once @Lil Dab introduced me to cold starts over a year ago I never chazzed a nail again. I also rotate my nails every few sessions. Just trust me when I say, you aren't dabbing right if your nail gets stained. Sure, you are dabbing heavy but your nail should last you months if not years and still look brand new if you were doing it right. Only reason i have to buy new nails now is cause i break them. Not hating on you at all, just telling you like someone told me years ago when I started doing it correctly. You will learn young Padawan.

For sure if I were to use a torch I wouldn't do anything but cold starts and by the way you've been dabbing longer then I have :toke::bow:

Yep…. At some point you start getting all sort of nastiness…. You can see it on the paper mixed in with the good stuff, especially if you do separate presses. If I over do it you can for sure see what I assume is chlorophyll and lipids start to flow into the lighter material….

Oh yeah I've seen that too especially if the bud has little to no cure
You should notice a blow they're pretty easy to see. I was just going off what you said above so if you didn't have a blow out like you thought you did it is probably from over pressurizing :shrug:
I press pretty hard I think, can't imagine how much harder I'd have to press to get plant matter through the bag but I guess anything is possible. I just think he's not used to seeing the black puddles cause he is used to BHO where the reclaim is almost clear. When I first started dabbing flower rosin I thought I was doing something wrong cause the puddles weren't clear anymore. But when I got my press I already knew what to expect.
I mean, have you practiced? Seems like a dab session with the door open will give you a target rich environment for practice. I bet you can get pretty good after a while.

If not, it would probably still be a fun way to spend an afternoon…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:
You can def get them when they are flying, they don't always die but It's very satisfying when you do. Then you have to put them out of their misery with a point blank shot :rofl: :rofl:
The salt is like a shotgun blast to their wings its great!
You should notice a blow they're pretty easy to see. I was just going off what you said above so if you didn't have a blow out like you thought you did it is probably from over pressurizing :shrug:
Ya bro i smashed em flat as a pancake but didn’t notice a blowout but i also didn’t really look for 1! I was so excited to have finally pressed some stuff i just scraped it up and went on my way!
I press pretty hard I think, can't imagine how much harder I'd have to press to get plant matter through the bag but I guess anything is possible. I just think he's not used to seeing the black puddles cause he is used to BHO where the reclaim is almost clear. When I first started dabbing flower rosin I thought I was doing something wrong cause the puddles weren't clear anymore. But when I got my press I already knew what to expect.

No offense by any means but you're using the mini where I think his press is a little bit bigger and may be easy to get more pressure. I know I noticed a huge difference from my old press to the new one. It's super easy to over pressurize especially when using smaller bags. It's all about the surface area I watched a pure pressure video talking about this and he swears by pressing to pucks at a time you almost make it bullet proof to blowouts. Because the more surface area you have the less pressure is actually be applied to the bag.
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You weren't dabbing when I started on this site so technically your still in the minor leagues bro lol. Ive been dabbing consistently since 2011/2012. I was here when you got your set up remember? I've gone through my fair share of mistakes but I have never owned an ir thermometer and still took me quite a while to chaz a nail after years of practice lol.
Once @Lil Dab introduced me to cold starts over a year ago I never chazzed a nail again. I also rotate my nails every few sessions. Just trust me when I say, you aren't dabbing right if your nail gets stained. Sure, you are dabbing heavy but your nail should last you months if not years and still look brand new if you were doing it right. Only reason i have to buy new nails now is cause i break them. Not hating on you at all, just telling you like someone told me years ago when I started doing it correctly. You will learn young Padawan.
You were still in school when i did my first dabs! Been doing them a while just never had a steady hookup here! And never had anything burn like this except the first stuff i pressed (been describing 2nd time i used press but first with fresh buds) so why i figured it was something i did wrong in the pressing process! Assumed the very first stuff did that cuz it was so dry but when second fresh stuff did same i figured i was the culprit in this dilemma!
You were still in school when i did my first dabs!
Ya bro i smashed em flat as a pancake but didn’t notice a blowout but i also didn’t really look for 1! I was so excited to have finally pressed some stuff i just scraped it up and went on my way!

If you can’t see a blow out you need to get your eyes checked :pighug:Plus it should be fairly easy to check I mean you are saving the pucks for edibles I hope?🤞
No offensive by any means but you're using the mini where I think his press is a little bit bigger and may be easy to get more pressure. I know I noticed a huge difference from my old press to the new one. It's super easy to over pressurize especially when using smaller bags. It's all about the surface area I watched a pure pressure video talking about this and he swears by pressing to pucks at a time you almost make it bullet proof to blowouts. Because the more surface area you have the less pressure is actually be applied to the bag.
Lmao i did press 2 at once last time but still managed to get em flat as a pancake! Put it this way o have one of the tiny 4oz jelly jars beside the press and it has like 6 spent pucks in it with room to fit more! I think I manhandled it a bit too much and overdid it! Gonna try to press some more later and not flatten it so much! First couple times after about 30 seconds i would crank down a lil more cuz i still have yet to watch a single rosin pressing video so basically just winging it! :shrug::doh::crying: