Looks like nute burn but also deficiency. Help please.


Cultivators Club
Dec 1, 2021
Reaction score

#1 Plant has curled-up brown tips and some leaves have brown spots.

#2 Some leaves at the base are fully turning yellow.

-Medium/grow method: soil FF Ocean forest.

-Feed and supplements used:

-Yucca powder
-I've always PH'd my water at ~6.5

I've been using the Fox Farm trio;
-Grow Big - 6-4-4
-Big Bloom - 0-0.5-0.7
-Tiger Bloom - 2-8-4

Plants sprouted mid Dec.
I started feeding Grow Big at 1/4 strength
a week later I started adding Big Bloom 1/4 strength
1/15 I raised my dosage to 1/2 strength of all three nutes.
Then my most two most recent waterings have only been with silica, yucca powder and ph'd water
also did my first dose of slp-100

Both have been fed the same throughout the grow.

-Water source:

I use declorinated tap water.

-Strain and age

#1 Early Miss (~1 1/2month)
#2 Gorilla Cake (same)


Lights off its at its at ~74F
Lights on its at ~77F
RH 60%

- Light used:

I use the LED California Light Works 500.
I want to say plants are about 15in from the lights.
they are on a 18/6 light cycle

-Additional info:

It started noticing a lot more yellowing around 1/18 on #1

#2 started to get it but not as bad on the base of the plant.

pictures: (progressional)



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Think it's doing ok I wouldn't worry you only got another month some people defoliate in a little bit I don't but I lost leaves like you are not in some plants it might not need them or it's taking stuff it needs from them like calcium magnesium nitrogen potassium etc. But I think your good
If you still going heavy on the nutrients you could also cause a lockout where the plant cannabilizes itself and it would also look that it would ditch the parts it least needs first
Honestly for your next grow ditch the fix farms liquids get yourself Canna bio line with bio boost or nectar of the gods I think. But I just use coast of Maine Stonington blend and Stonington blend dry fertilizer. Kelp. If you topdress lightly your good. Just feed some fish shit and banana ffj em1 and urb if you want. You can reuse the soil if you aren't gonna grow in it you can grow a cover crop
All those fox farms products use chemicals to break down amendments instead of fermentation giving it a longer shelf life and I thin those have salts making them not organic. The salts kill bacteria and make it so you need them all the time cause the soil isn't alive anymore. They also are way stronger and are easier to overuse
Happy frog and ocean forest is great tho you can mix them
Happy frog and ocean forest is great tho you can mix them. your better off making your own liquid nutrients thru bokashi or fpj for veg and ffj for flower
Happy frog and ocean forest is great tho you can mix them. your better off making your own liquid nutrients thru bokashi or fpj for veg and ffj for flower
I’ll try mixing it next time since i do have both.
Once i run out of my ff nutes im definitely going another route for supplements