Indoor Lowryder#1 - Grow attempt #2 - Not going good :(



Ok so really need some cheering up. Almost ready to throw hands in air and give up.I know its my fault I have trouble I don't have the money to get a nice set up yet. But after getting ripped off again 60.00 for 3.4 grams grrrr. Since moving I cant find a good source. So I will keep trying this growing. I had 10 seeds the first 3 where all males so I planted another one then after 2 days i decided well with getting so many males Ill just plant them all and hope for at least 1 female would be thrilled with more at this point. Well again none of the shells came off without help but all seeds germanated well I killed 2 :( trying to get seed shell off them. so I am left with five. they are 8 days old #1 would be 10 days and they all look bad but everyone has diffrent symptoms :( so I don't know what I am doing or how to fix them. i ph my water to 6.5 still same yucky soil but I added a bag of perlite. so if anyone knows if theres hope please let me know.

This is set up.
IMG_6448.jpg IMG_6450.jpgIMG_6472.jpgIMG_6471.jpg

Plant #1 10 days this one has not grown and is lime green almost going maybe yellow not sure.
Plant #1-1.jpg Plant #1-2.jpg
Plant #2 8 Days looks over watered but it really is fairly dry.Its pot is the second lightest one.

Plant #2-1.jpg Plant #2-3.jpgPlant #2-2.jpg

Plant #3 8 Days this one has purple or something on it.

Plant #3-1.jpgPlant #3-2.jpgPlant #3-3.jpgPlant #3-4.jpgPlant #3-5.jpg

Plant #4 Day 8 this one i think is ok.
Plant #4-1.jpgPlant #4-3.jpgPlant #4-2.jpg

Plant 5 Day 8 not real bad either

Plant #5-2.jpgPlant #5-1.jpgPlant #5-3.jpg

They all seem to be not growing much. Any ideas and why do they all seem to have diffrent problems yet soil water everything is the same. These are Lowryder #1. I just want 1 female at least to make seeds so i have alot of seeds to practice with before moving on.

they dont look too bad... I think you're gonna be fine... temps and humidity are all ok... whats your current nute regime? any? at 10-14 days you can give them a mild shot of veg nutes... (like 1/4 reccomened for seedlings) and see how they respond..does your humidty go real high sometimes? looks like a few might have a mild case of either overwatering or maybe "damping off".

See the article on the homepage about damping off.

hope this helps... keep your chin up and your head down... :)
I have only gaven them water so far I have bloodmeal and bonemeal and I have mirical grow and bloom. The soil was a seedling mix. the humidity was very low and somewhere i read to get more females lower temps and higher humidity is what you want with the 3 males the temps where alot higher and himidity only got to 23% highest i have tones of water in cups all around them and its been staying right around 40% give or take. I will not water or nothing for longer. how will I know if they are to dry? they wont just die if its dry? right now the top 1 1/2 inches feels bone dry but its moist below that not sure how far there roots go down yet. I dont remember the name of the soil just know it was a seedling soil.
The early autos had very thick seed husks. LR1 being one of them.

They don't look soo bad to me. That one you think is over watered. It might have been at some point, but the new growth is looking perky. Some times if you over water, it will take a while for it to grow out of it. On the scale of seedlings they are pretty good looking. Your soil looks like it has lots of perlite in it, so the plant should be able to handle some moister soil.

The best advice i can give you is don't let the small things get you down. You will encounter problems and triumphs while growing your own stash. I lost 20 seedlings to damping off one time, that i paid for. Belive me it'll piss you off some times, but the ups are certainly better than the downs.. so i keep on, keepin on.

Edit: Make sure not to feed them yet. Even if they are going yellow, it is most likely from PH swings or soil PH. Which i forgot to ask, do you know if your soil is peat based? Reason i ask is, it's a good idea to put a little dolomitic lime into peat based soils. When growing canna. The D.lime will keep the acidity from the composting peat, from effecting your soil PH.
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Thank you all for the fast replys I feel better that you all think they dont look to bad maybe im over worryed couse its my last seeds and no sucsess yet. ty for the encoraging words. i am trying to find the lime will have to order from online i think couse all the stores we have looked in dont have it. and i need to get a soil ph tester too i just have the water one and i think there to young to flush and check run off. i cant remeber the whats in the soil i know with the first 3 it seemed to hold the water it would take over a week to dry out after a watering so i added a bag of perlite for better draining but i think the top is drying fast but the bottom is staying wet for to long ill keep letting it dry out. im sure in a few years ill be doing alot better and will be able to help others so ill keep my chin up you guys are the best its so nice to see so many good people gathered in 1 spot like this site i know i cant alway come here for help. next time i will for sure start in a cup and after they are a week or 2 stack it to the main contaner i think they would dry up better.
Dear Terri,
This is a letter from one newby to another. I am on my 2cnd grow and have had crazy speed bumps along the way with both grows. But I sure am learning what these plants want and how to give it to them. I understand your despair. You want to have things go so well yet you keep having issues. This is fine. Remember your not alone and in this forum we all care. Your seedlings look good Terri, just let them be and see what happens. Often trying to fix things can make the symptoms worse and cause new symptoms. So just relax and let the plants do their thing. Once you get to a harvest I imagine that your hunger for growing will be tenfold what it is now. Its a process, and your on right on track. Keep growing it pays off big time.

So just be positive. Tell the plants your going to take care of them, ask them to teach you want they want. It may seem weird trying to communicate with a plant, but those plants are BEINGS! Their as alive as you or me. They (the plants) do communicate with the soil (through excretions and waste), and the soil communicates with them, by way of what the microbes break down and how they feed the roots. Its so neat, and its a well established relationship that soil and plants have. And if you listen with your eyes and hands and nose and your heart you will find they can tell you what they want. I have learned about what LR#2 likes in my environment. I am know learning how to give it to them. You will learn what your plants like in your environment. And then the plants will give to you endlessly. They will learn to love you and take care of you. Man I am so grateful to my plants that I often can not believe that they are so good to me. Please Terri take the time and the hard knocks with these first few grows. Its not easy, but when you get it down its crazy.

Case in point: I have someone I know that grows, and that persons grow op is so simple, just some soil, some ferts and a light, yet the smoke is amazing. This person has learned exactly what they want, when they want it, and how much they need. These plants take care of this person now, and they love this grower so much they give this person so much that they can share with friends. Because of the hard work and careful observation, a strong relationship developed between grower and plant, the plants now give the grower more than just a plant can give, they give this person things only a true friend and companion can give. Keep your head up and listen and you too can have this relationship.
Yeh don't fret yet, it's still very early on!, And i imagine you might be checking them all the time? That makes it seem like things are going super slowly! - I used to be checking every 5 mins, but i've got it down to twice a day now :)

Learning to grow is a little like learning to drive.. at the beginning it seems like theres so much going on it takes max concentration and effort, but after some practise and getting familiar with everything it gets easier. Then before you know it, you could do it blindfolded.. although I'm not recommending that :)

Might be a shitty analogy, and plants are living things of course, but the best thing you have already done and that's to join a forum. People will help you to get your grow ironed out.
Having a diary here, and keeping a record of your progress really helps.

Best of luck with them, Mitch
Ty Mr. Green and Mitch_connor the support here is great. And ya i check them none stop sit staring at them lol. I really love growing it has given me something to do that i enjoy again. Its so relaxing and stressful lol. I keep reading and learn more and more everyday thanks to all you experienced growers that share your knowledge.
After waiting another day I had 2 that where growing slowly and 3 that where getting yellow and no growth at all. So I figured I didn't have much to lose so I mixed a little dirt with blood meal and bone meal and i toped up all 5 pots about 1 cm with the mix and watered it. I was scared to look in there this morning but I think they all look better a little. and I see a tiny bit of growth on all them. MAybe it will be ok now I'll no in a few more days they are very tiny for DAY 11 but here they are. What do you think are they looking any better?


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