Magical Butter sale

Don't know if he got one...but I have one.....LOVE IT!.
Me too. I've only used it once. Mine came with a hash bag type filter. That was awkward trying to squeeze the last out of it. Got me pretty medicated the other nite using the butter to fry my sandwich in.. Medicated Grilled Cheese and Turkey. Yumm
Ah man I had a nice oost written and the site glitched.
Short version.
4c coconut oil 2z sugar leaf. Run and strain. I triple filter. Then add oil back to machine. Top off to 4c oil and add 2 z more. Strain and let chill.
cool... hadn't thought of doing a double run like that. I would have liked it stronger but ran full amount in their instruction booklet. I was using butter. The first cookies I made weren't very strong so this would have taken care of that problem.