Indoor New grow, Old + New Seeds, ft Optic Foliar

Update 6
I moved a total of 5 plants to the 5×5. The solo cups are photos waiting to be transplanted to their respective pots. The flowering Autos will be their companions. I hope the timing all works out. Am counting on a couple of quick finishes. So far, looking good.

Auto Bomb 1 and 2. Can see two different phenos from them. One a little more Sativa while another slightly more Indica. Around Day 42-45 i think.

Auto Bomb 3 getting big in a 2 gallon pot. Requires frequent watering. Still not in full flower which is a little frustrating. Very bushy. Had to remove some leaves. Day 42 young.

Cookies is just beautiful. Thin finger leaves, not much obstruction of light. Only Day 45. Have not removed a single leave. No need to. Very beautiful structure imo. Love it!

THC Bomb 2 in 1 gallon is in full flower now. A very impressive size for a 1 gallon pot. Very versatile strain. Does well in big or small pots.

Berry Bomb in 1 gallon is also very impressive. Slightly behind THC Bomb 2 but getting there. Particularly impressive due to her funky growth earlier on.
Update 6
Lastly, the younger gals.

Sticky Fingers 1 is the largest of the younger gals at a tender age of 31 days or so. Same for all the Seedstocker gals.

Sticky Fingers 2 is a little smaller and slower than 1 but looking good too.

Gelato 41 starting to show pre flowers early. Hopefully she won't get too big. Tent is starting to get crowded.

Purple Punch 1 started flowering early day 20s. I thought it was rather soon but I welcome the smaller size actually. She is also starting to show purple. Very excited!

Purple Punch 2 is larger and slightly behind 1. Hoping that the purple also shows on her.

Cosmic Bomb is only 22 days old or so. Starting her stretch. Looks like she will get big! I'm absolutely loving her growth!
Great looking grow. Looks like things are going smoothly.
Thank you buddy! Lets hope i don't screw up the later half lol:crying::smoking:
Yeah, Just like the Open Comp drag racing I used to do. You have to win the starting line and the finish line.
My little girls are hitting it hard at day 21. Hopefully I can help them finish with the same vigor.
Update 7
Update time. This week saw me greatly neglect the early deficiency signs on two plants. Thing with deficiency is, it's much much easier to correct at early stages. Once it gets outta hand, it's very difficult to catch up, Plant loses leaves etc. Its really just a pain in the butt! I was too engrossed with my photo plants in solo cups to notice the early onset. Its really a drag cos I keep telling myself not to make this mistake again! And yet, I did! Lol

Let's get to it. Dedoverde Haze at around 58 days old started showing me a magnesium deficiency that progressed very fast. I gave a top dress and an epsom salt feed followed with a Compost tea. Looks somewhat better. Am gonna follow up with one more Compost tea as she just looks so hungry! If the second compost tea don't work, I'm gonna admit defeat and give her a Megacrop feed.

Budding still seems alright but am seeing some CA def on top of Mg. But she is the only one in the tent showing this.

Auto Gorilla Bigfoot is doing okay. She also showed the same deficiency much milder and looks to be doing just fine now. Frosting well too.

THC Bomb is also showing slight Mg deficiency in lower leaves. Hoping the second tea will stop any progression. However, She is growing beautifully. Probably around 1.2m as well. Will be slightly taller than Dedoverde Haze.

Thin Mint Crack is cruising along but is flowering slower. She takes the longest to perk up after lights on. Very bushy too but as long as she is healthy, I'm totally cool with it.

Group shot. Hope they look better next week!
Update 7
Moving on to the girls in the 5×5

You'll notice Auto Bomb 3 suffering from the same deficiency. Seems that all big plants are showing this. I gotta take some preemptive measures I guess. She is recovering though. Pics showing Auto Bomb 3 followed by Auto Bomb 1 and 2 in same Pot.


Cookies is just beautiful! Full of dense frosty nugs!

Purple Punch 2 is smaller than my 1 gallon Pot plants but is very purple now. I have no complaints.

Purple Punch 1 is larger and making larger buds. But is not showing me any purple yet.

Due to space constraints, I had to move the 1 gallon pots of THC Bomb 2 and Berry Bomb to a corner of the room.

A shot of the photoperiod seedlings that made me neglect the deficiencies. Double jeopardy as I may have loved them too much as well lol!
Was the Auto Bomb 3 just hungry?
Update 7
Last to make an appearance are the younger gals.

Sticky Fingers 1 and 2 are pretty much the same. Just different size. Sticky Fingers 1 especially will be a big one. She will most likely be the tallest Plant among all. I gotta make sure I don't let her get the same deficiency as the other large plants.

This is both of them together.

Sticky Fingers 1

Sticky Fingers 2

Gelato 41 is flowering early. Looks pretty!

I just love this Cosmic Bomb. Only about 28 days old. Just beautiful!
Was the Auto Bomb 3 just hungry?
Yes, she is. Along with Dedoverde Haze.

Will try a second compost tea feed. If no significant improvement, may give a Megacrop feed.

What do you think, growbro?