New to growing looking for advice. Thanks

Jan 24, 2022
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Hi am currently working on my first set up, am considering my led light, I read and viewed many videos, and understand the basics concept more money equates to a better led, ive come close to making my decision am thinking, the Maxibright daylight 1030w Pro Led Hydroponics LED Lighting is going to be my final choice, but I'd love any other people thoughts- experience with the above, one thing I've not really been able to discover is any kind of info requarding percent reduction, I mean I know you reduce to say 40% at the beginning of the project, but for how long for? Am also assuming the increase works at a slow rate? But again no one really talks about and kind of time to percent ratios.

Some extra info about my set up and understanding again I'd welcome any comments and advice.

Tent is 1.5 by 2.4
I'll be using smart pots
Soil made by a recommed recipe for autos
Basics co2 injection system (tank and regulator)
2 water butt's one, for nut and one,clean water.
Fan is iso max with acoustic ducting
Am yet to purchase seeds.
Am yet to purchase nutritions I understand basic 3 are best with autos, also not going mad with them is critical to success.
Manually watering as it seems more precise for my first run.
Thanks in advance for any tips or help I receive I really appreciate anyone that share their time for me.