Outdoor Newbie with a Quandry



I am enjoying your site,very often envious,but always smiling,have 8 lowryders in my closet under flouresant lites and doing well,although small tops compared to your lovely pics.Am planning my outside garden to be mixed with my large marigolds for stealth.I live in suberbia latitude 39.looking at seeds boggles my mind,I am thinking of Hindu Kush,blueberry kush,all auto and the white widow auto peaks my interest as well.I am a highly decorated retired fireman who traded a bit of my health for a career I loved.We dont have med marijuana yet so I guess I gotta be stealthy.but why would they want to mess with me I gave alot of my health for a rough city.anyways could someone with a good stealthy mind look at my choices and maybe recomend a stealthier selection.the mailman is the onlyone i can think of who would get close but i have a plan of action for that.I have a GREEN thumb for my garden,My russian Giant Sunflowers go over 12 ft.This new Hobby has breathed life into some depression i have been experiancing when i was retired with minor cardiac dysfunction,Heartbroke literally from doing the job i loved.And they wouldnt throw a highly decorated Fireman in jail if i keep the yield to ohios 200gm misdomeaner cutoff.I pulled over 8 toddlers from certain death and one fat ass buddy who got lost.i'm entitled to smoke a doob once in a while dont ya think,any help is appreciated.Thank you Maestros
I hear ya loud and clear.....I'm a 'ryder fan and also started with Lowryders under flourescents in my closet but realized soon that better lighting was a must to achieve better yeilds. I ended up with a tent setup so I could use a hps system. Outdoors is a great option if you can maintain stealth......I've done outside during summer although dealing with pests became an issue along with a bit of anxiety from possible "exposure"........
Growing the herb is certainly a wonderful hobby and the rewards are some very good medicinal relief.....while smoking the herb may not be addictive, growing it certainly IS !!!
Being a long time toker, even when I traveled extensively in the corporate world, I too was forced to retire a bit early because of ms.....although I do take a monthly infusion to slow down progression of the disease, I ONLY use MJ for treatment of the spasms, fatigue, etc that comes with it.....
You've come to a very friendly & helpful site dedicated to helping with various aspects of growing and dealing with all that comes with growing......Welcome!
Charly, I applaud your passion and dedication to a job you so dearly loved....takes courage and bravery to run into a fire while everyone else is running out so hell yes you are entitled to burn one!!!! :smokebuds:

You have definitely picked the right site as no one here has a giant ego that needs to be stroked and are willing to help however they can!!!

while smoking the herb may not be addictive, growing it certainly IS !!!
I agree totally!!!!! I can't seem to quit dropping beans in pots!!! Looking for a 12 step program......NOT!!!!!! lol :crying:

Welcome to the site and happy growing!!!!
but why would they want to mess with me I gave alot of my health for a rough city
I wish it was that easy mate. Sadly "they" will mess with anyone, no one is safe until we manage to legalize. Even legal med patients still get raided where i am.

Anyhow back to the question at hand. The kush's will stay low to the ground. And provide a good indica body stone.
Hey, Charleymanchu - Welcome :) it's great to have you in the community.

'Bout the stealthy outdoor strains... What about Purple Jems? Have you checked them out? I haven't grown them so maybe someone who has will come in with first-hand experience, but from what I've gathered, the breeder's aim was to produce a stealthy plant - low in stature and odour with some unusual colouring. I believe they do well outdoors and a lot of growers report a nice smoke with them.
yeah jems would do ya real well... mossy the breeder is one of the founders of this site... welcome aboard and thatnk you for your service.. :)

Goddess,this is an absoulutly true story,Shortly after being forced into unwanted retirement I tried to drink myself to death,then i tried to cure my drinking with dried poppy pods,worked for a while but it wasnt what the dr ordered so I went to a very good place,Butler pa V.A. hospital for 4 months they had lots of 12 step meetings and a new one was attempted ,it was a MA meeting yes thats right,it failed miseralbly,no one remembered what day it was held,they forgot where it was,and if they did find it they ate all the donuts and fell asleep.We thought that was rich,seriously if i smoke a doob,Iam horrified by the hard substances i used to not bat an eyelash at....it changed my perception of true bad things for a beat up body.God bless the VA
I love to paint it would make a great subject,what a pretty plant