Northern lights "auto" that is a photo...


Cultivators Club
Jun 6, 2022
Reaction score
Have a northern lights auto thats is definitely a photo its been vegging for 8 weeks now no signs of flower. My problem is i have 3 autos that have to finish before i will switch to 12/12. One auto is another 8 weeks out. Question is i have seen people stating that they switched from 18/6 to 12\12 for a week or 2 then back to 18/6 to finish out and itll work as long as it was crossed from a ruderalis strain. How accurate is this information? Has anyone had success with this? I can wait the 8 more weeks just really dont want to. I have to keep supercropping and shes staying fairly short but is like a super bush now!
@RootBound420 if your grow lights are good quality you should be able to provide 42+ DLI to your plants in 12 hours. Your autos will not skip a beat. If your lights are not capable of that then you probably should wait to turn the lights to 12/12. The Photoperiod plant will just keep getting bigger and bigger.

@RootBound420 if your grow lights are good quality you should be able to provide 42+ DLI to your plants in 12 hours. Your autos will not skip a beat. If your lights are not capable of that then you probably should wait to turn the lights to 12/12. The Photoperiod plant will just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Thank you! My current light is not good enough for that. Guess ill just have a really big plant. Haha
In that case I would choose to run 18/6 for the Autos, 3 to 1 for the win.
Ok @Mañ'O'Green i thought about what you said with the DLI being 42+ and i can run 12/12 with my auto as well so i ordered 2 Viparspectra KS2500s. Needed to upgrade anyways so i pulled the trigger finally. Only paid $340 for both! Thank you promo codes. Haha now i have to figure out how to measure the DLI without spending a bunch on a meter. Any ideas? Or do you know a good meter for cheap? I have the PPFD meter app for android but dont have a way to calibrate it.