Novice Cure, is this hay smell normal ?


Uber Goober.
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Stardawg (purchased)
I'm two and a half weeks into my first ever cure and I'm getting a dry hay smell from my bud.
This has me worried.

Should I be worried ?
And is there anything that I can do ?
What is your cure method?

I hang for a few days until a small stem snaps but not completely off.

I then jar, take out every day for an hr or two a day for the first 3-5 days.

After this I open the lids daily for 15min, after two weeks I open once a week.

-- Hay smell is normal but I havnt had it last longer than a few days in cure.
What is your cure method?

I hang for a few days until a small stem snaps but not completely off.

I then jar, take out every day for an hr or two a day for the first 3-5 days.

After this I open the lids daily for 15min, after two weeks I open once a week.

-- Hay smell is normal but I havnt had it last longer than a few days in cure.
I left plant intact and in complete darkness for 48 hrs. I then wet trimmed and cut plant down whole. Then it was hung upside down for 5 days av. humidity 50%.
After 5 days it was jarred and burped 4 times a day to start with.
After a week I burped 2 times a day.
And now it's daily.

I took it out jars completely to begin with as it seemed wet. But no longer, I now open jars for a few minutes at a time.
Honestly the hay smell comes from chlorophyll that hasn't broken down properly during drying. Usually due to jarring too soon.
It will grow more faint over a good cure, if it was close, it'll fade completely.

I shoot for 7 to 9 days drying at 60/60, full plant hang (fans gone)

I'd like to give one of those drying machines a go, seems like people are pleased with the results.
You want to jar when the stems have a nice snap sound. I use Boveda humidity packs (62%) and suggest that you consider using them as well.
I hang dry above my tent and usually within 5 days the plant is dry. (I'm gonna add a bowl of water to increase humidity and slow this down a little hopefully).

I would recommend the hygrometer you can buy like 5 for $10 on eBay. Stick it in a jar and it will help you know where your rh% is for a perfect cure. I also use the bóveda packs to help me target the right temp but it starts out with drying to the correct range. Bóveda can do the fine tuning.