One more time down the nute rabbit hole


DIY whenever possible, and sometimes when it isn't
Cultivators Club
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Various strains, via MCT oil tincture, gummies, dry flower vaping.
Well, it seems that my Northern Lights may be headed into the same problem that its two older sisters suffer at the moment.

I thought I had caught the problem early enough to stop progression when I upped the nutes to ~1000EC, but it looks to me as though here I go again.

-Problem: Light colored new growth, tip burn, deficiencies showing up in fans.
-Medium/grow method: SS#4, plus ~30% perlite in most of pot, plus ~50% in the autopot flood zone in the ~5cm or so in the bottom of the pot.
-Feed and supplements used: MC version two, RAW Phosphorus (end mix ~ 9-11-17), yucca, fulvic, current EC ~1000 at pH 4.0
-Water source: Melted snow, EC <20
-Strain and age: Seedsman Auto Northern Lights, Day 56.
-Climate: Temps controlled at ~22C (max ~25, min. ~20) day and night, RH almost always between 40 and 50%, with brief excursions to either side.
- Light used: Diy screw in array, mix of 5000K and 2700K, currently at ~ 150watts total 4 sq. ft., 24" from canopy top
-Additional info: Nutes increased to ~1000 EC a week ago from ~750 previously. Initial symptoms of fan deficiencies showed up at 750 EC and ~ Day 46.

Whole plant:

Canopy top:

Problem fans:

What I think I see in the fans:

Bottom fan with large necrosis looks like phosphorus deficiency to me. This is a bit worse now than when it started a week or so ago, but none of the other fans have become as bad.

Other fans show signs of potassium deficiency (yellow, burnt serration tips), possibly hints of magnesium deficiency (interveinal chlorosis), and some of the lower ones are starting to lighten in color.

I need to decide whether to flush, and/or whether to adjust nutrient levels.

@Mañ'O'Green and @Waira, here I am again...
PH 4.0 ????????????
Is there something wrong? 6.4 is ok!
Symptoms seem not to have gotten worse, so perhaps there is no real problem. I was a bit afraid earlier that the remaining two plants were headed down the same road as the first two, but perhaps they are not. :pop: