Dinafem Past, Present and Future.


AFN Authorized Vendor
Nov 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone. It's been sometime since I last posted and I'm sorry about that.

I need to start this thread by saying a massive thank you to the community. At a time when I needed you, you came through. I'll be eternally grateful.

As most of you will know. My wife passed away in early September. It's been the hardest thing I've ever been through. On top of that Dinafem and HSO got raided in Spain. So to say I lost everything ain't an understatement.

Let's chat about that, where I'm at now and where I go in the future.

Past events!

With Dinafem. I know as much as was published online.

The feds came knocking and essentially shut us down. It could take up to 5 years to get to court. It's a bad situation which I do hope gets resolved. It will take time.

Now with HSO. Pretty much the same as Dinafem but HSO has 2 aspect. Think of it like this

HS (Humboldt Seeds) based in the USA
O (Organisation) based in Spain.

The Organisation is in the same boat as Dinafem but the USA part is still active. They need to rebuild. Which they will. This will take sometime to figure out.

All we can do is hope for the best and that the courts side in our favour. When I learn more I'll keep the community updated.

Where I'm at now!

As you can imagine, I'm not in the best place but I'm still alive and kicking. It's super hard to live a life with out your partner. It's only been 5 months and it ain't getting easier but I must try to move forward.

On top of losing my wife and work the feds also confiscated my grow. The same day she died. So that literally left me with nothing.

I do have my kids, family and dogs. I'm not on my own but this is hard.

I'm no where near capable of working as before but I do need to stay occupied and I know this industry very well and it's a community I love.


The future!

As both brands i represented are essentially closed down, I've been offered a home with @Seedstockers_Mischa and it's an offer I've accepted. I will be back on the AFN very soon and I can't wait!

Did someone say #solocupchallenge ?

I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to get a post up. It's been a nightmare of epic proportion.

I also need to thank @St. Tom for arranging the floral arrangements for my ladies funeral. It was beautiful and a big thank you to all that contributed.

Right, that's my statement which was hard to write.

Thank you AFN. See you in the @Seedstockers_Mischa sub-forum :pass:

All the best :bong:


E2a- Can a mod @St. Tom pin this thread for me please?
Hello everyone. It's been sometime since I last posted and I'm sorry about that.

I need to start this thread by saying a massive thank you to the community. At a time when I needed you, you came through. I'll be eternally grateful.

As most of you will know. My wife passed away in early September. It's been the hardest thing I've ever been through. On top of that Dinafem and HSO got raided in Spain. So to say I lost everything ain't an understatement.

Let's chat about that, where I'm at now and where I go in the future.

Past events!

With Dinafem. I know as much as was published online.

The feds came knocking and essentially shut us down. It could take up to 5 years to get to court. It's a bad situation which I do hope gets resolved. It will take time.

Now with HSO. Pretty much the same as Dinafem but HSO has 2 aspect. Think of it like this

HS (Humboldt Seeds) based in the USA
O (Organisation) based in Spain.

The Organisation is in the same boat as Dinafem but the USA part is still active. They need to rebuild. Which they will. This will take sometime to figure out.

All we can do is hope for the best and that the courts side in our favour. When I learn more I'll keep the community updated.

Where I'm at now!

As you can imagine, I'm not in the best place but I'm still alive and kicking. It's super hard to live a life with out your partner. It's only been 5 months and it ain't getting easier but I must try to move forward.

On top of losing my wife and work the feds also confiscated my grow. The same day she died. So that literally left me with nothing.

I do have my kids, family and dogs. I'm not on my own but this is hard.

I'm no where near capable of working as before but I do need to stay occupied and I know this industry very well and it's a community I love.


The future!

As both brands i represented are essentially closed down, I've been offered a home with @Seedstockers_Mischa and it's an offer I've accepted. I will be back on the AFN very soon and I can't wait!

Did someone say #solocupchallenge ?

I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to get a post up. It's been a nightmare of epic proportion.

I also need to thank @St. Tom for arranging the floral arrangements for my ladies funeral. It was beautiful and a big thank you to all that contributed.

Right, that's my statement which was hard to write.

Thank you AFN. See you in the @Seedstockers_Mischa sub-forum :pass:

All the best :bong:


E2a- Can a mod @St. Tom pin this thread for me please?
brother i am so happy you now feel ready to come back to afn I've been asked by so many growers how you are you have a lot of friends on here
Hello everyone. It's been sometime since I last posted and I'm sorry about that.

I need to start this thread by saying a massive thank you to the community. At a time when I needed you, you came through. I'll be eternally grateful.

As most of you will know. My wife passed away in early September. It's been the hardest thing I've ever been through. On top of that Dinafem and HSO got raided in Spain. So to say I lost everything ain't an understatement.

Let's chat about that, where I'm at now and where I go in the future.

Past events!

With Dinafem. I know as much as was published online.

The feds came knocking and essentially shut us down. It could take up to 5 years to get to court. It's a bad situation which I do hope gets resolved. It will take time.

Now with HSO. Pretty much the same as Dinafem but HSO has 2 aspect. Think of it like this

HS (Humboldt Seeds) based in the USA
O (Organisation) based in Spain.

The Organisation is in the same boat as Dinafem but the USA part is still active. They need to rebuild. Which they will. This will take sometime to figure out.

All we can do is hope for the best and that the courts side in our favour. When I learn more I'll keep the community updated.

Where I'm at now!

As you can imagine, I'm not in the best place but I'm still alive and kicking. It's super hard to live a life with out your partner. It's only been 5 months and it ain't getting easier but I must try to move forward.

On top of losing my wife and work the feds also confiscated my grow. The same day she died. So that literally left me with nothing.

I do have my kids, family and dogs. I'm not on my own but this is hard.

I'm no where near capable of working as before but I do need to stay occupied and I know this industry very well and it's a community I love.


The future!

As both brands i represented are essentially closed down, I've been offered a home with @Seedstockers_Mischa and it's an offer I've accepted. I will be back on the AFN very soon and I can't wait!

Did someone say #solocupchallenge ?

I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to get a post up. It's been a nightmare of epic proportion.

I also need to thank @St. Tom for arranging the floral arrangements for my ladies funeral. It was beautiful and a big thank you to all that contributed.

Right, that's my statement which was hard to write.

Thank you AFN. See you in the @Seedstockers_Mischa sub-forum :pass:

All the best :bong:


E2a- Can a mod @St. Tom pin this thread for me please?
Hey Mark,

It takes a ton of courage to be this open and vulnerable. I can't imagine what you are going through and I hope you find the strength to keep on pushing forward. Your wife would have wanted that, I am sure. Give those kids a big hug and keep on keeping on.
So happy to see you back Mark!

I cannot begin to fathom your strength and courage. I know your wife is smiling from above. I believe we'll all be reunited with our loved ones someday. I know I'll be hugging my mom again someday, she knows I miss her every day!

Love you, Mark bro!
So sorry for your loss! Will be tough but we, as a whole are resilient! Glad to hear you are back! When you have a spare sec I documented the CMOG autos and have two Passionfruit punches currently in flower, as promised! Take a peek if ya wanna. Just glad to see you back!!! PEACE!
My condolences. That is an extremely tough hand to be dealt. I wish you well and best of luck with the future.

Thank you for coming by with an update. Please reach out if you need help. It is difficult for men to find support in hard times.