Photography Photography Editing Services and Photographer Tips


Cultivators Club
Jan 17, 2021
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Hi everyone,

I've been part of the Forum just over a week now and I'm trying to find my little niche to establish myself as a valued member of the community.

I'm a Photographer and Editor by trade and have noticed a lot of people are over exposing pictures while their lights are on and wanted to offer you a couple of tips for overcoming this depending on how much you care and your budget of course but we all know nothing makes us smile more than a nice frosty forest of happy girls in natural light.

Below are 2 methods for capturing better images under your tent lights.

1. Budget Method - Go onto ebay or Wish and find the biggest Lens'd Darkest Black pair of sunglasses you can find (Tinted Lens aren't advised) and order a pair (Don't worry you won't be wearing them)

Pop out the lens and hold it over the lens of your camera to lower the exposure of the image.

2. Super Budget Method - If you have a relatively new Smart Phone your Camera will have a "PRO" mode that allows you to manually adjust the shutter speed. As you adjust this to a higher fraction 1/100 to 1/200 the image will get darker so take it to the point the flicker is barely present then capture the image.

3. Premium Method - The final and most effective method is to buy a gadget I use when capturing long exposures with my Digital Camera called a Variable ND (Neutral Density) Filter. This allows you to lighten or darken the image by added stronger sunglasses strength to the Lens by twisting it clockwise for darker and anti clockwise for lighter. Anything above ND400 would do a job as you can buy fixed ND or variable ones which are a little more expensive.

In addition to this I am also looking to offer image editing services should you want to bring out the best in your Images as well as a direct point for Q and A because while I may not know what I need to know about growing beautiful ladies I do know a thing or two about Photography so hopefully this will inspire some people to send me over their snaps to edit for them to make them pop and punch a little better.

Hopefully you're all thinking of where you might have left your last pair of sunglasses to give this a try otherwise feel free to drop a comment below if you're intrigued.

I'll post some with and without filter pictures if this post generates some interest

im going to try the sunglasses thing now :d5:
How did you get on or am I being too keen? Hopefully it helped.
it did work bit blurry due to it being a old scratched lens but definitely worth trying thanks for the tip

so what all this about image editing service you mention could you explain ?

and i noticed you have auto beast mentioned as the mentor on your Instagram you have linked with his pictures on the profile so am i taking to autobeast here or can you explain this ?
if so why the need for a different/two AFN account ?
Happy to hear I can pass on a little nugget of wisdom.

Autobeast is a friend of mine he suggested I join AFN to document my maiden voyage into gardening and meet like minded people.
The pictures you see on the Instagram profile are of his old tent in its new home so yes it will look familiar but I'm just breathing new life into old gear and he's holding my hand.
Image Editing is just an idea I had for post processing peoples images for them to help make their girls look their best. There will be a bit more insight on that when my girls start Flowering and it's worth getting the DSLR out.

Expect something very different on my grow journal photography when the buds start showing I plan to stand out and be a valued member of the community I can't do that with my growing knowledge but I could try with my camera and editing. I have a photography Instagram I could send you privately if you'd like I think it would give you a clue... Don't wanna be upsetting any Admin out here so hope I've answered everything

Here's a picture of my 9 day old Fast Buds ChemDawg Auto with Basic Post Processing to sharpen and enhance the image clarity.



  • 20210128_221019.jpg
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Happy to hear I can pass on a little nugget of wisdom.

Autobeast is a friend of mine he suggested I join AFN to document my maiden voyage into gardening and meet like minded people.
The pictures you see on the Instagram profile are of his old tent in its new home so yes it will look familiar but I'm just breathing new life into old gear and he's holding my hand.
Image Editing is just an idea I had for post processing peoples images for them to help make their girls look their best. There will be a bit more insight on that when my girls start Flowering and it's worth getting the DSLR out.

Expect something very different on my grow journal photography when the buds start showing I plan to stand out and be a valued member of the community I can't do that with my growing knowledge but I could try with my camera and editing. I have a photography Instagram I could send you privately if you'd like I think it would give you a clue... Don't wanna be upsetting any Admin out here so hope I've answered everything

Here's a picture of my 9 day old Fast Buds ChemDawg Auto with Basic Post Processing to sharpen and enhance the image clarity.

thanks for the clarification i was a touch confused that sort of thing happens :rofl: welcome to AFN please share all the pics and info you want thats what we are all about here
but if you would like to offer your services to members that is something that would have to be discussed with admin in PM
thanks for the clarification i was a touch confused :rofl: welcome to AFN please share all the pics and info you want thats what we are all about here
but if you would like to offer your services to members that is something that would have to be discussed with admin in PM

Well its great to know there's a streak of light beaming through the door when the time comes to try and open it and start a conversation thanks for that you'll be my Admin I reach out to.

I should say I wouldn't be looking to make any money off people unless I was overwhelmed I can say that much I do photography for the love not the money and nothing makes me smile more than taking something great and making it greater with a bit of post process tweaking.

Thanks again Trichome Farmer