twenty20 Photoperiod Twenty20mendocino(Trainwreck,Snow-G,Femme Fatale, Irie Genetics(Lemon Jeffrey)

Defoliated-end of 3rd week of flower
Update- end of 4th week of flower

Challenges--fighting to lower RH

Problem--Twenty20 Snowg which is reported to be a 49-50 day harvester didn't stretch and NOT showing flowers!!!
Most likely will have to cull her if she doesn't get going-I have a timeline deadline. It's a shame because I chose her for her short finishing time.
Below pic Snow-g Not Flowering after 4 weeks 12/12

Update end of week 5/35 days of flower
Snow-g finally started to flower. She was suppose to be a rather fast finisher 49-59 days...oh well maybe a different pheno.
On the otherhand, Trainwreck is producing alot of frost and appears that she will finish before the others. Also, she stretched quite a bit during week 5, which was unsuspected. Terps are outstanding-pungent citrus.
The 2 Lemon Jeffreys are cruising along nice size flowers and just starting to throw lemon scented frost.
Happy Growing to all!
Update- end of 6th week flower (12/12)

1. Fighting to decrease humidity---I knew this would be a problem---4 plants in a 3x3 outside tent rh=50 inside 65
2. Unable to keep an even canopy---plants in the front of tent supercropped, but plants in the back---no place to bend over colas without blocking other colas.
3. Difficulty with LST--just not enough room in a 3x3 for 4 plants...I could have planted just 1 plant, but need variety and not relying on 1 plant to make it until harvest.
Update- end of week 7/49 days of 12/12
Challenge--finally got warm-battling heat and humidity 83f & 65rh
At this point, Trainwreck is the star of the show(frosty and stinky) coming in second is Lemon Jeffrey in the back of the tent. Lemon Jeffrey2(supercropped) is 3rd only because I had to keep her small in the 3x3 tent but smells awesome. Lastly, is Snow-g which I had to confine and supercrop---her buds a rather small and lacks scent compared to the other plants---but who knows maybe she will step-up towards harvest.
Looking good. I grew aTrainwreck that had its main cola that looked the same.