Question on calcium toxicity.

Nov 12, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Roc Mystery's, Cosmic Queen, Chem and Cookies CBD
I use water out of tap, and it is very heavy and loaded with extra calcium. I like been dealing with this issue with my plants from the get go on cal/mag issues when I was running NFTG. I decided this grow to try Mega Crop, and everything has been going great, until I added cal/mag to my feed. Now my chem cookies cbd is showing mag def after two feeds. My theory is this, the added calcium locked out the mag and is showing a deficiency that is not really there due to to much calcium will prevent mag from being utilized in the plant. I am also thinking that due to the fact NFTG is calcium based and it increases over the life of the plant that would explain most of that too?
Am I on to something here is my old brain just over working? 20210207_155120.jpg20210207_155015.jpg I started two new plants in coco and was using the same strength mc and I did not think to mix two batches of feed separately, one for coco and one for soil.
I run ntfg, have for 3 yrs. Would be interested in your issues, never seen a calcium or a magnesium issue running their line. (I had plenty of driver error initially, but that's what it was) There is no such thing as a cal/mg issue. It's one or the other.

With the nectar line your soil and feed pH needs to to be above 6.4 to work correctly, in flower that should he closer to 6.6. 90% of issues running nectar are pH related. I've been goofin' around trying a couple different feed regimens to get my costs down, but when running modified roman, I'm pumping 3 to 4 tbsp of HH per gallon and running bloom Khaos at 100% in late flower. Calcium calcium calcium then some more.

Nectar doesn't work like any other line, and doesn't play well with salt based nutes. It's a completely different animal. Follow the recommendations for one when using the other and you'll be in trouble fast.
Thank you guys so much for this info. I have been frizzle frying my brain for a few days now trying to jump on this. And now I am 100% convinced my water is the devil. It ph's before anything at 8.5 and its ppm is at 310 so yeah. Way to much calcium in the water to even think of using NFTG anytime soon, and as far as this grow with MC I am not gonna use the Cal/Mag plus with my soil anymore as I can tell I wont need the calcium and I have Epsom salt laying around. In fact I wont be using it on the coco plants either until I see the need it. Also makes since why my last nectar run was the better of the 5 as I added the bloom khaos and it helped negate the calcium.20210208_123600.jpg
After much reading here and purchasing a good PH and TDS test pen I have realized this as well. My water is 220 ish ppm 7.5 ph well water. It doesn't take much added nutrient to get it too high in PPMs with most of it being calcium from the hard water. Too much calcium by a mile.

This grow I will be using RO water at 500 ish ppm, PH'D to 6.5.