Racoon puke - Should I transplant?

Jun 4, 2021
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OK, so I am a new grower and have both an indoor and outdoor grow. Both are six plants that I started out with the same genetics, Indica in front and Sativa in back. My outdoor grow is in a secluded area with a 3 X 6 PVC frame with fencing and camo shade tarps to keep it stealth and make it look like a Deer hunting blind. After planting my seeds, I got lazy and only used one tie down on the fencing to close it back off.

Enter my field mate Mr. Racoon. He squeezed himself inside and proceeded to dig through my Indica pots looking for goodies. He ate some of the seeds until his eye spotted a zip-lock of BAS Craft Blend which he quickly ripped into and started eating. Apparently Craft Blend makes Racoons sick, because he puked it back up into the top of one of my 10 gallon Sativa pots. When I returned to check later on, I discovered what had happened and was most upset with Mr. Racoon as losing $50 worth of seeds to my own laziness sucks!

I chalked it up to lesson learned and continued on with my remaining seedlings. During my last watering, I noticed a second seedling sprouted along side of one of the FB Purple Lemonade plants. It is shorter and has much broader leaf structure, so it is likely either a Hindu Kush or Northern Lights that was eaten by the Racoon and puked into this pot. My first thought is to just let it grow and have the two plants share the same 10 Gallon Rain Science bag. Less disturbance is better and all, but I also have these other 10 gallon bags full of soil and ready to go, so I could try and move it over to one of the now empty pots and continue as before?

I am about 10 days in so far and torn as to whether to move the 2nd seedling to its own pot or just let it ride and see what happens? Is it worth disturbing the roots on both seedlings?
I was wondering who would name their strain "raccoon puke" , sounds awful!

Got any pictures? Id leave them be if they aren't right on top of each other. If they are jammed together maybe try and separate them before they become too entwined.
The purple lemonade is in the middle. The other sprout is about 2 inches from the side of the pot.
Hmm, I dunno. That tap root can be quite a bit longer than expected. I guess if youre real careful you could probably pull it off. The transplant I mean.
I was wondering who would name their strain "raccoon puke" , sounds awful!

Got any pictures? Id leave them be if they aren't right on top of each other. If they are jammed together maybe try and separate them before they become too entwined.
yeah i was thinking the same
OK, so I am a new grower and have both an indoor and outdoor grow. Both are six plants that I started out with the same genetics, Indica in front and Sativa in back. My outdoor grow is in a secluded area with a 3 X 6 PVC frame with fencing and camo shade tarps to keep it stealth and make it look like a Deer hunting blind. After planting my seeds, I got lazy and only used one tie down on the fencing to close it back off.

Enter my field mate Mr. Racoon. He squeezed himself inside and proceeded to dig through my Indica pots looking for goodies. He ate some of the seeds until his eye spotted a zip-lock of BAS Craft Blend which he quickly ripped into and started eating. Apparently Craft Blend makes Racoons sick, because he puked it back up into the top of one of my 10 gallon Sativa pots. When I returned to check later on, I discovered what had happened and was most upset with Mr. Racoon as losing $50 worth of seeds to my own laziness sucks!

I chalked it up to lesson learned and continued on with my remaining seedlings. During my last watering, I noticed a second seedling sprouted along side of one of the FB Purple Lemonade plants. It is shorter and has much broader leaf structure, so it is likely either a Hindu Kush or Northern Lights that was eaten by the Racoon and puked into this pot. My first thought is to just let it grow and have the two plants share the same 10 Gallon Rain Science bag. Less disturbance is better and all, but I also have these other 10 gallon bags full of soil and ready to go, so I could try and move it over to one of the now empty pots and continue as before?

I am about 10 days in so far and torn as to whether to move the 2nd seedling to its own pot or just let it ride and see what happens? Is it worth disturbing the roots on both seedlings?
I would likely leave them both in the same pot, but perhaps not if you are trying to stay organic and water only, in which case, nute supply may not be sufficient for both plants.

Getting one of the plants out of that pot with something resembling an intact root structure might be difficult. The problem is that the tap root is longer then you might think, and the soil around it and the other roots will break up as you try to lift it, and the resulting damage and disturbance to the roots will stunt the transplanted girl if not kill her. You could also damage the initial plant's roots during the attempt. Pics might help clarify risks.

If you decide to try a transplant, I suggest you try to get the plant out of the pot by constraining a good sized amount of medium around it by using some sort of container around the sides of the medium and root ball before lifting it, and getting it buried in its new pot before removing the container. You will have to get creative, but the idea is to somehow get that root ball out of the current pot and into the new one without it breaking into pieces. If the seedling is small, you might manage a decent transplant this way. All just theory on my part however, but that is what I would consider doing.

Good luck with it. :goodluck:
As an FYI, I did move the one seedling. It was close to the side of the pot, so I went down inside the pot and scooped out about 6 inches down. It survived for a while, but ultimately was eaten by Grasshoppers. My entire outdoor grow has been largely a fiasco, but we learn more by our failures than we do our successes. I will likely harvest whatever I get from my remaining two Purple Lemonade outdoors and count it as a bonus. This fall I will wrap the whole structure in Mosquito netting to keep the grasshoppers out and try again.

I am not totally giving up on the outdoor grow, but as I stood outside with two 32 oz spray bottles of Tweetmint spraying dozens of grasshoppers I realized that I was likely fighting a losing battle.
I saw Raccoon Puke and simply could not stay away. Your plant met an unfortunate end, it would have made quite a story when lighting up with your friends. Hell it's a good story as it is. I suspect your medium had something fish based in it that attracted the coon, same thing happened to a buddy of mine without the bean barfing.
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