...reboot time, now under it's true name Phyter!


Growing strange,...
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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!
:toke: Good day AFN'ers! :smokeout:

As the title suggests, RotBlock, aka Phyter is alive and well after all! The owner of Phyter has reached out to us here, and is looking to do some proper testing again this year :woohoo:

It's all early in the gig here yet, so no details beyond this so far,... I can offer some insight about such products in general, having tested out a different company's product which uses a different microbe to fight fungal pathogens,... Nothing is a panacea, but these products, applied properly, do help very much! I had a rather rot prone girl last season, and the bio-agent helped save her from becoming a total mess... An important note: that product I used is not available to the general public! I had to write, present my case, and get OK'ed by that company for a free test sample to try,...

So, with Phyter here now, some select testers can have a go with trying this product out- :thumbsup:... I say select because what spots are to be offered should go to those with a history of Mold Wars, in particular outdoor growers :greencheck: The point is to TEST the product properly, not just slop it on plants that never see such conditions and duress inside or out... Last round was not well done frankly, and that ain't happening this time :smoker1:..... Info and details are still in the other two threads if you want to learn more,... I'm sure Phyter will be along soon to post up other stuff as well when he gets a chance... Product Phyter is used on many types of Ag' crops, and it's busy season for them as well!

Stay tuned friends! :smoking:
Hello I'm down to put it to the test in Michigan's ever challenging outdoor season. Thanks to @Waira for letting me know about this. The cold rainy shit weather I get in lower michigan outdoor late in flower on big plants has been an ongoing battle for me for 22 seasons this being my 23 outdoor season. Big thick bushy plants are quite a bit of work when it comes to battling mold n rot!

Blue widow last year was a fight all season to keep clean.
:jointman: hey guys!

We are officially on, so it's round-up time :shooty: It looks like we'll need 6-10-ish testers, grow size depending ( and thus amount of product, we're still figuring this detail out), and also if there are shipping restriction. With such an Ag' product, you can count on that pretty much!
..... Oh yeah, the parent company is Endoplanthealth.com, but looking at it just now, it's just a shell, not built out much yet. I asked Phyter to come by and drop some info links here :thumbsup:
Sounds great! Would it also be beneficial in a greenhouse?
In fact he just asked about that! pending the shipping issue, you're a solid candidate :thumbsup:
I think I recall @pop22 has one as well?
Hello I'm down to put it to the test in Michigan's ever challenging outdoor season. Thanks to @Waira for letting me know about this. The cold rainy shit weather I get in lower michigan outdoor late in flower on big plants has been an ongoing battle for me for 22 seasons this being my 23 outdoor season. Big thick bushy plants are quite a bit of work when it comes to battling mold n rot!
Ayuh! :doh: Some of the Outdoor auto-photo Comp growers came to mind immediately, like you and @Jean-O .... I'll chat with some past playuhs to see if they want in....:pimp: Meantime, you guys think on your plant counts and size, get me an estimate so I can work that in with Phyter....
Sounds great! Would it also be beneficial in a greenhouse?
Yes it would. The product is composed of a micro-organism which is a natural beneficial. It works well as both a protection product against common pathogens that you guys would have, specifically bud rot (botrytis), but would also show beneficial properties. This would usually mean larger roots, better emergence, quicker growth, things like that. In other agricultural crops we see these types of advantages.
Hey guys,

I'm Bryan, Phyter, or rot Block. The company, Endo Plant Health, is based on Ontario, Canada. We normally work with row crops, like soybeans, lentils, and wheat, but have also worked in this space. In the past we worked with a few of the legal Cannabis companies. I'll answer as best I can specific questions people might have, and appreciate the efforts of Waira in starting this thread and organizing things. Greatly appreciated. I just ask that everybody be a tad patient. If I'm a tad slow responding, keep in mind that it's currently seeding time for a lot of large growers, so it's a bit busy.

What is a good time frame for outdoor plantings? What are dates I need to keep in mind to help everybody? Fridays are a good day for me to respond, as I rarely ship, as I don't like my product sitting in a warehouse all weekend; it's composed of a living spore, and I'd prefer to treat it well. We have had no problems in the past shipping to the United States, and I would expect it would be fine.

Cheers guys
Hello I'm down to put it to the test in Michigan's ever challenging outdoor season. Thanks to @Waira for letting me know about this. The cold rainy shit weather I get in lower michigan outdoor late in flower on big plants has been an ongoing battle for me for 22 seasons this being my 23 outdoor season. Big thick bushy plants are quite a bit of work when it comes to battling mold n rot!
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Blue widow last year was a fight all season to keep clean.
Hey Jean-O,

My thoughts looking at this monster is, how are you planning on spraying/applying on here? I want the product to work for everybody, so I'm trying to think ahead. Yes this would be challenging to keep mold away. We can help, just thinking ahead. Cheers!
Doing photo perpetual indoors this summer, but was thinking about 1 or 2 autos out in the greenhouse if I can find time to get it set up and cleaned. Dad neglected it for a couple years. Not in a legal state so not sure if you'd want your product in close proximity at this stage of the game. But our adverse conditions would test the hell out of it.
Mid Florida, high heat, high humidity, kick azz hurricanes.
Same here, I'm across the pond in Europe so if you guys are willing. I'm game :)
Part of the testing limitations will be if a given country even allows this product in,... As a biological product, and an Ag' product, it's approval for shipping from a legit company (read: won't be snuck in like seeds!) is going to have restrictions for sure unfortunately! :goodluck: