rick simpsons oil


Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
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Currently Smoking
Budz..we have a med patient in urgent need off Rick Simpsons oil..or Pheonix Tears

Is anyone making it..or does anyone know where we can buy some...?

Any advice appreciated....:thumbs:
As we age we acidify and cancer thrives in an acidic environment. So bringing the body´s PH level up is very important when you are suffering from cancer and many other conditions. The oil works to do this but also other things can be of great benefit. Simple things like baking soda and lemon juice can raise the body´s PH very rapidly.

i think rick and mossy would get along very well
So as you can see, when you order seeds from most seed companies, you are never really too sure what you will be growing. We need a good ongoing steady supply of seeds that have known medicinal values, so an ordinary person will know what they are growing. All we need is the freedom to grow the most medicinal strains on earth. Then using a simple process of elimination we could determine which strains produce the best oil to treat different medical conditions. After this is done a stable supply of these seeds could be made available to the public and they then could grow strains that suit their medical needs.

maybe you should contact them mossy :smokebuds: dragons could heal the world
I asked a doctor today if there are any clinical trials using cannababis or cannabinoids as treatment or therapy...there are none going on anywhere in the U.S....how can this be?.....after all the facts showing how cannabis acts with cancer cells?...suddenly cancer research has no interest in cannabis?
after all the facts showing how cannabis acts with cancer cells?...suddenly cancer research has no interest in cannabis?
Not until big Pharma can patent it and market it for 10,000 a dose.... like chemo...

Sick bastards arent they?
I'm in NO way as qualified as Rick to talk about the process of helping people overcome debilitating disease, but I hate the idea of using Naptha for a home medicine. I'd personally work up the best possible coldwater extraction I could and dilute in a very small amount of either coconut oil or avocado oil. I think if you're starting with a pound, per his recommendation, that would make plenty of bubble to give you the same supply and avoid the chemicals. If you wanted to add a decarboxylase inhibitor, L-Dopa is available in concentrated form from USP Labs Here
Another option, if you can get it... is grain alchol high proof... (Think Everclear)
Naptha turns me off too... I know I know... evaporates... yada yada... but I agree... lets keep chemicals away from already sick people and out of their food chain and ingestion. :smokebuds:
is naptha special in some way as a solvent? I mean..why take a chance when there are so many other safer solvents.
It's more selective to the medical chemicals in cannabis, i.e. you won't get as much parafin and chlorophyll, etc...but I think a tincture or extraction made from organic coconut oil gets the same amount of THC into solution without the use of a hydrocarbon.