SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Love these vids brother!!
Thanks so much Bob and have a lovely Xmas
Looks brilliant bro..:bow:..and did I eye-spy one of those Cloudray S6 pole fans on that there vid?....nooice:d5:
Hi vapo yes I have the pole fan plus the extraction fan and I've also just got the 69 controller too as you can control both with that one but I won't set it up till after holidays also I hope u have a great Xmas too
For a start my friends i wanna wish you all a merry xmas .and I thought a lights out frosty video fitted the mood being xmas and snow ect anyhow day 66 of flower of day 70 of the front panty punch girls so choperoo is incoming and the 2 back girl crush are going to be just after
Here are my 2 fastbuds autos in reused soil and biotabs at day 60 I'm just letting them fill out now also when using soil again I will be using fresh light mix and treated with silicium flash at the start with biotabs so really it should then have enough food to get them from start to finish as I will be using the same medium and routine in both tents
panty punch harvest tops
The times arrived I removed all the front tops from the panty punch and the middles and bottom bits will have another bit longer to fatten up but check out that bucket of buds as even the middles I did cut were chunky too also the last 2 girl crush from @Twenty20 Adam are looking banging too and will be chopped after the weekend I recon

Thanks to everyone for comments and likes I really appreciate it and heres a lights out vid of the girl crush sisters the lady on the right had certain issues for ages but I just let her plod on with them all being on the same res in the autopot s plus I couldn't get to her at the back

Last post of the day content wise I've now took all the main tops besides the one back girl in the left corner and shes the biggest girl crush at the back .anyhow my plan is all the bottom and middle stuff can either be left another week to fatten them up a bit or I will take them all down in stages as I've done this before many times but let me know your thoughts folks
