live stoner gossip

  1. R

    Premature yellowing leaves

    The lower leaves of one or two of my plants has yellowing leaves. I’m new to this but I’m sure I’m not over or under watering. The plants not ready to cut. It’s in a 11 ltr pot and as it’s flowering, I’m feeding it with RQS’ Easy Bloom. It’s a Blue Dream strain… Any ideas??
  2. St. Tom

    SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

    hi folks i just want to say a massive thanks to sanlight for sponsoring my new show and grow for this year going forward and @Son of Hobbes and @Mossy for having faith in me the first time around on my first gen thread. anyhow as i said sanlight have sent me there new dimmable models for my...
  3. Dr.Bubbles

    Live Stoners Dr. Bubbles & Bushmasterar15's Food Network

    What about doing a late night session on some charcoal? THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
  4. Son of Hobbes

    Live Stoners Current Live Stoner Gossip Dec/Jan/Feb 2018

    New Live Stoner Gossip! Old thread will be archived!
  5. Son of Hobbes

    Indoor AFN Welcomes Zambeza Seeds!

    We'd like to formally welcome @zambezaseeds for coming on to our Live Product Testing! We will be testing EVERY SINGLE autoflower strain and EVERY SINGLE photoperiod strain that they offer! Big shout out to these guys for allowing us the chance to test out their entire lineup and I'm sure...
  6. BigSm0

    Mephisto Genetics Mephisto, Amare se-450's & Big Sm0

    Im excited to get a thread going in the mephisto section. I also have one going over with live vendors but action is a little slow over there. This is 8 of the hubbabubba, some are a little ahead of the rest but they just recently started fattening up their buds. I'm completely out of room...
  7. IzzyTheGrower

    Grow Mediums IzzyTheGrower autopots and dutch passion

    A tad late but fuck it better late then never lol Genetics: Dutch passion daiquiri lime and either a Brooklyn sunrise or Colorado cookies(accidentally mixed them up) Autopots: 2x 15l using promix hpcc with mycorrizae with added growstones instead of perlite Light: Veg, spectrum king...
  8. Rebel

    Live Stoners [ARCHIVE] Old Live Stoners Gossip (up to Feb 2017)

    Oh yeah!! It is indeed!! I got the 151 already!!
  9. Son of Hobbes

    Indoor Welcome Blk.Seeds

    I want to give a big, warm welcome to @Leo Black with Blk.Seeds ( ) for joining us in our 6 month Live Vendor Program. Mr. Black has agreed to allow us to test virtually EVERY STRAIN in their catalogue over time, so we'll eventually have documented grow journals and...
  10. Discretepete2676

    Indoor Elite garden nutrients

    Well the time is finally here guys.... We've got an awesome newly patented product to be tested right here in front of the whole community.... So first let's all give a warm welcome to Joe from elite nutrients who will be our on-site rep and who pulled the strings to make all this possible for...
  11. 2Stoned2Care

    Dutch Passion DP AUTO GLUEBERRY

    So i have seen this on the dutch passion site but no price or release date just says out of stock ? it looks and sounds awesome i will be getting some of these as soon as they are for sale just thought i would give you guys a heads up or anybody else heard anything about this strain ...
  12. budelee

    Nutrients Official Optic Foliar Cannazone Test Thread

    Welcome to another great Cannazone test Sponsored by :worship:Dinesh and Optic Foliar:worship: :welcome:First we Start with a Giant Thank You to Dinesh for sponsoring this test. Optic Foliar has graciously given the test team a Huge supply of their products to put on the hot seat, and I'm sure...
  13. witchyhour

    Bomb Seeds August BOM - THC Bomb by Bomb Seeds

    Here is the plant, she was gorgeous, easy to grow and totally drama free. It's still curing, but it's a very smooth vape, no cough at all. The high is nice and mellow, a bit of a couch lock. There she is!
  14. Son of Hobbes

    Indoor Kind Led

    Coming soon to an AFN near you!
  15. G

    Bomb Seeds Bombs Incoming!! Please post your favorite bomb pics

    I don't have any pics yet, but before too long there will be some bomb pics coning out of my garden!! To get me psyched I want to get a compilation of guys favorite Bomb strains. Make sure you tag other bomb growers if you know of any!! @HotBunz @HashMaster @Discretepete2676
  16. HLG1

    Indoor MOD 420 Horticulture COB Lighting

    MOD 420 is a universal frame for assembling a COB lamp with hundreds of different configurations. Developed by @Bobby from Mi and myself. The original prototype was Mod 8 for 8 cobs. We redesigned it to accommodate 4 cobs The final version of Mod 4 comes in 2 pieces can be can be joined to...
  17. K

    Indoor DIY COB light

    is this the place that supplies items for cob builds? I may be jumping the gun here so to speak, since there is no post here.
  18. dcat0921

    Lighting DCAT does Auto Ultimates in Kind Soil with Amare Solar Eclipse 300

    So since my last kind soil grow did not go like I'd hoped, I figured I'll try again with fewer plants in a little bigger pot than last time. Dropped 2 auto ultimates last week and as of these pics they are roughly 3 days old. Split one 5 pound bag of kind soil between the two 3 gallon pots and...
  19. Hydro_Jack

    Indoor Hello, this is my first post here...

    I saw this forum and I thought I would post a picture of my Tasty setup...I spent a ton but my room is rockin..These were way too tall when they went in...I have done a tone of bending and training..I used to grow hydro hence the name.....HJ
  20. dragondust

    Lighting 350w cheap led

    I bought 350 wat led 128wat draw it's labled as 150 x 3 watt chips of ebay in 2014. I never used it. I current have 2 mars 300w leds. Here are the pics Can this be moded with current drivers. There are 3 drivers each powers a bank of 50 leds. Tested voltage under load. It reads 120v dc...