6 weeks if you want monsters or try a net and bend em till full n flat then flip strip n lollypop, most cheese need some support in flower and can get floppy and not to mention very stinky. I found some more cheese on greenhouse seeds to that I want to try gh cheese a skunky pheno ,exodos cheese from 2015 Spain apparently the og cut of exodos from Buddha that he took to Spain in 2004 and full gas which is exodos cheese x sunset sherbet I'm having a cheesy year because I'm searching for that flavor again not paying 80 an 8th for zheetos from the kids saying it's Cali weed in a flash packet I bought an 8th and it was very nice well trimmed stinky but it's just well grown weed I could understand 40s but 80s an 8th is daylight robbery, you will love zheetos when you try it send my a zoot of zheetos lol:smoking: