Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis - Is it all BS?

Now what about hemp? I've seen hemp described as "another variety of cannabis sativa," as a type of strain of cannabis sativa, etc. Is "hemp" just a word used to classify cannabis that tests extremely low in THC? You can pollinate your plants with hemp pollen (thanks Colorado for teaching everyone that the hard way lol!)
That's very true, but I actually find some merit in the science suggested here. You can smoke a sativa and go to bed. You can smoke an indica and have your heart race. Why? That's what we're trying to figure out :shrug: Do what we consider "sativa" see more of the same cannabinoids and higher concentrations than indica? Is it purely a physical observation of the plant itself that the labels/terms were even based on in the first place, etc?
I totally get what your sayin. Sometimes I feel the need to play devil's advocate. Personally, I think if you could get some of the real landrace strains, you'd see more of a difference. The stuff we grow today is a hodge podge of genetic crosses, being grown in different climates, altitudes, nutrients etc. That's why I think its wrong for me to take say a sour diesel seed, grow it out indoors using bottled nutrients and then try to pass it off as "Sour Diesel".
The numbers that I’ve seen are as low as 1%. I think if you rolled a cigarette size joint of 5% sativa back then and smoked it with your best friend, you both would’ve been pretty freaking high at the end of that little session.After a while in the early 80s, that’s what me and my best friend were doing. We would roll in one of those little “two speed” manual Rizla or Top cigarette rolling machines. We would Clamp it own to the smaller size to tighten the joint up a little bit, but that was still a fair amount of weed.

What gets me is reading numerous forums they tell you how you have to check the trichomes and they have to be cloudy with a certain percentage of amber ones to cut, then you have to dry and cure properly. Last year I decided to cut some buds off one of my plants that had crystal clear trichomes, dried it in my oven after warming it and turning it off. Pulled those crispy buds out and put them in a bowl and took a few hits and the rocket was off the launch pad and I was flying.
You just raised another interesting question. How is it that from the same island in the Hawaiian chain, the big island and possibly the same volcanic mountain slope,l do you get Kona gold and that blue bud that you’re talking about? Is it a different strain or just a different method of growing in processing? Your Doobie Brothers story reminds me of my second concert which was the first one I got high at. it was Ted Nugent July 1977 at Hollywood Florida. I had probably smoked weed no more than 10 times and half of that over the previous summer back in Miami because I went to boarding school in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania and weed was kind of thin on the ground in my circle. I think I smoked a grand total of four or five times in a two year.period up there. That summer of 77 I had no weed to take to the concert because the guy that I had bought my previous little dime bag from at summer school didn’t have any and I had no other source at the time. So I asked around at the show if people were selling joints. This one professional photographer said no but he smoked me up. I don’t know what it was, but my ass had to go sit down for a while because I had never been that high. LOL
Colombian Red Bud. That brings back memories as that is what they called the weed I got in North Carolina around 1980. Same year I got a 1/4 oz of Bluish tinted Hawaiian, the first sinsemilla I ever had. I took that weed to a Doobie Brothers concert at Castle Farms in Charlevoix Michigan and never knew I had so many friends in the crowd.
Now what about hemp? I've seen hemp described as "another variety of cannabis sativa," as a type of strain of cannabis sativa, etc. Is "hemp" just a word used to classify cannabis that tests extremely low in THC? You can pollinate your plants with hemp pollen (thanks Colorado for teaching everyone that the hard way lol!)
The ditch weed feral hemp in South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska and Western Minnesota I am familiar with from 1988 to 1991 reached 12+ feet high, growing wild it became huge bushy plants that looked like it would be some great weed other than being packed so full of seeds that when I hunted pheasants in a wild field of it the seeds fell around me like rain. I worked in law enforcement at the time and tested some with a test kit numerous times and it never even triggered the test as positive. It was grown in those states during WWII.

I took inmates out to harvest it off of federal property after pulling five plants up the year before and my efforts resulted in me seeding a field that sprouted hundreds of plants the next Spring.
My step grandfather and his father had permits during World War II to grow a certain allotment of hemp to jute and sisal from the Pacific for rope making and that continued for a couple of years after the war to give them sufficient time to convert back to tobacco. Those feral plants still grow all over the bluegrass area of Kentucky and my brother tells me that if you run a female over it smells like you’ve run over a skunk. They are not at all potent but people smoke that shit for years. I rememberReading a story about some of the 60s cats hanging out with Louis Armstrong. Now Satchmo had been smoking weed since he was a teenager and he would have been in his late 60’s at this time, but smoking that “hemp” weed. One of the dudes turned him on to what he called his “good Mexican weed” which meant some Nice Mexican sativa like Acapulco Gold. He said that all Satchmo could barely get out of his chair to go play the show he was so fucked up. He never smoked weed like that even in all of his travels.
Now what about hemp? I've seen hemp described as "another variety of cannabis sativa," as a type of strain of cannabis sativa, etc. Is "hemp" just a word used to classify cannabis that tests extremely low in THC? You can pollinate your plants with hemp pollen (thanks Colorado for teaching everyone that the hard way lol!)
The first commercial grow I worked at has a strain called Maui that consistently tests at 8%. Got EVERYONE high as shit, but.... you can't sell 8% weed in the market lol.
You obviously dont work in Detroit Dispenaries. My brother told me some shady stuff that they do! Including naming the same strsin 5 different things, making up names, lying about testing, making edibles from moldy material, ect. So selling 8% anything is possible. Hahahhahaha. But seriously. I have had a Purple Cheesequake for over 15 years. Its a photo stain, it is like 13% THC. But something about the buds gets people higher than 20% stuff and ot smells and looks pretty nice. Looks and smells def play a factor in effects. I remember Subcool in an interview a long time ago tslking about the exact strsin and how it tests low, but feels way higher. He was always considered a pollen chucker back in the day. But he focused his strains on Terpenes. I had a ln Agent Orange thst smelled like that FAKE Organge car scent. Offensive almost. Another point I would like to add. I can get more effects off smokeing or vaping some strains more than the Rosin or Extracts of the same material. Or vice versus. And different effects from vaping, smoking or eating from same buds.
I totally get what your sayin. Sometimes I feel the need to play devil's advocate. Personally, I think if you could get some of the real landrace strains, you'd see more of a difference. The stuff we grow today is a hodge podge of genetic crosses, being grown in different climates, altitudes, nutrients etc. That's why I think its wrong for me to take say a sour diesel seed, grow it out indoors using bottled nutrients and then try to pass it off as "Sour Diesel".

How it's grown, where it's grown, TOTALLY effect how it turns out. That's one benefit of being in a legal state, there's a "ring" of strains that you see consistently grown on the market (because the market likes it and because the genetic pool has some limitations (easily bucked though,) but Gorilla Glue grown by Grower X at Facility Y is NOTHING like Grower Z's at Facility B's. First guy I worked for, had no clue why none of the Ethos genetics he bought tested out over 16%, despite the cloning company saying they all tested out over 30%. Well, a skilled artist is going to create a painting you want to look at. I'm just going to paint a stick figure with a bunch of boobs on it. But we both drew a picture using the same paper and paint.
You obviously dont work in Detroit Dispenaries. My brother told me some shady stuff that they do! Including naming the same strsin 5 different things, making up names, lying about testing, making edibles from moldy material, ect. So selling 8% anything is possible. Hahahhahaha. But seriously. I have had a Purple Cheesequake for over 15 years. Its a photo stain, it is like 13% THC. But something about the buds gets people higher than 20% stuff and ot smells and looks pretty nice. Looks and smells def play a factor in effects. I remember Subcool in an interview a long time ago tslking about the exact strsin and how it tests low, but feels way higher. He was always considered a pollen chucker back in the day. But he focused his strains on Terpenes. I had a ln Agent Orange thst smelled like that FAKE Organge car scent. Offensive almost. Another point I would like to add. I can get more effects off smokeing or vaping some strains more than the Rosin or Extracts of the same material. Or vice versus. And different effects from vaping, smoking or eating from same buds.

Oh ho ho ho, I got some stories for YOU friend lol.