Indoor School daze KISS seed to finish guide

Hello again old stoners and hello new growers and stoners.
This will be my revised KISS (keeping it super simple) live tutorial/guide.

This grow along I will show everyone step by step how I grow. Super easy to follow. Low cost and easy to do.

Items needed for the grow

Grow space and equipment

Good lighting

Fox farms ocean forest soil.
Technaflora pura Vida bloom nutes.
Ph up/down depending on water source
Reliable Ph meter.
Good seeds (works with both autos/photos)
* autopots are recommended but absolutely can do the same thing with out. Bottom feeding is all it comes down to.

Much like the first guide we will cover basics on everything from start to finish

Grow space ,equipment , lighting, seed selection and germination technique coming tonight
And we will kick it off from there.

And as always. A huge shout out to @Son of Hobbes
AFN and all of the fine folks who help make this place so incredible

Any and all questions are much appreciated and I will be happy to help where I can.

Also note. I am not claiming this to be a superior method to any other nor bashing any other ways. What ever can get you to a satisfactory finish is a win in my book.

Cheers everybody. Hopefully you will all enjoy the journey as much as I will.

Needed items
fan and filter combo


small reciprocating fans or mounted fans.

trellis or other items for LST

If I missed any grow space items I'm sure I'll get them covered in the post or along the lines

By now most have a grow space selected and or established an area.
for those who have not. Here are a few things to consider when selecting an area/tent

first thing to consider is power sources and can that room handle the extra power
I did not consider this when I began so I have a few extension cords. Messy and not recommended.

second and just as important as the 1st. How is the room climate in the area you plan to put a tent in/ grow in.
the reason I say that is because you need to know you have a proper place to exhaust to and draw cool air into. And if the area is already hot or humid or dry. Those conditions will absolutely be a factor and something that will require extra attention.

Also something I didnt consider lol. Neither did my brother @CaNNaDON420
I ended up removing the exhaust fan from my ceiling in the back bathroom and running duct a good ways to exhaust heat/smells.
The brother went the other direction and went through his floor like a mad lad. Lol. Both worked. But also things that were not planned ahead. Simply because we were not aware.
Mostly we just thought. Tent has exhaust ports and all controlled. Well yes. But we didnt take in the fact that if in a closet or closed room. The tent will draw back in the same warm air it puts out. Not a good thing lol.
So have an intake and exhaust plan.

3rd and may be most important depending on where you live.
An inline fan and filter are a must for smell control.
And the fan is a must for air circulation and room condition control.
Also being in a nice discrete area of your home or where ever your grow is is also very important.
In fact I believe that both my brother and I both would have went the same route with ducting through ceiling and floor just for discretion.
You dont want an area that neighbors will be able to see in a window and wonder why they can see ultra blurple UFO lighting pouring out of a room lol. Not a good look.
Be creative.

Tent size/room size.
Selecting how big of a space you are wanting to grow in depends on the previously mentioned things and also personal needs.
Do you need a lot of meds. Or smaller amounts of quality meds.
It definitely varies person to person.
Keep in mind the bigger the space. The more lighting that will be needed.
A good place to start is a 2x2 or a 4x4 or anything in that range.
And a grow tent is an excellent choice to use. Although I quit using my tent I would reccomend one. For multiple reasons.
Easy to clean. Easy to maintain. Keeps your grow area very secure and discreet. Keeps light in when zipped up. Also helps keep your light in your grow area with the reflective walls. Also easy to maintain a proper humidity and temperature. Helps keep unwanted dust and pests out of the grow as well.
It's very much protection for you and your grow while benefiting your grow.
It's all about what works best for the individual

Next we will cover lighting and grow containers
I'll get that up before bed tonight.
lighting and grow containers

Let's start with lighting.

Lighting is probably the biggest key component to growing quality buds.
If you are a very techy person then a DIY build may be for you.
Or if you are like me you may need to look for the right manufacturer or type of light for your needs.

I can't stress enough how much mis leading information there is on so many different brands so its difficult to choose.
Many claim higher wattage than they are. Or the chinese knock offs with crazy numbers in names to imply wattage or power.
This is NOT a knock on any vendor here or any particular type of light.
Mainly the cheap sale site stuff is what I am generalizing here.
Do extensive research before you make a purchase. This and all of the grow room supply list are all things I highly reccomend not cutting corners on.
Not enough light or bad quality light will result in airy buds and poor yields.
When selecting lights. Consider how much of an area you need to cover and what's in your budget.
Between the lights and grow room supplies that is about the majority of start up costs. And with proper care most of these items last a good 2 plus years.

Grow container selection.
Much like lighting selecting containers is more about space to fill and amount of time you plan to invest into a plant
General rule of thumb. Bigger the roots bigger the fruits.
So a bigger root space is always beneficial.
Anything from 1-5 gallon pots are absolutely big enough for autos and photos
If you were trying to grow a giant tree then you would need a bigger pot.
And plenty of different pit styles to choose from. Plastic fabric. Square round. Got to go with what suits your grow.
I personally have used and had successful grows with both plastic and fabric.
I prefer the fabric pots for performance. I am using plastics.
But the down side is I had some gnats and other pests and they like to live in the fabric pots a lot more than the plastics. So that's why I went back to plastics. So consider cleaning reusability and pest control in choosing grow containers.

The lights and pots I will be using for this grow are led lights and 3.9 gallon square pots from autopots.

Lights are platinum p150 x2
Platinum p300 x1
Viparspectra 600 x1
And a Roledro for the seedlings.

I'll be back tomorrow morning with other tools for the grow and start with germination and be on our way to the keep it super simple grow

Now we dive into the kiss tutorial
And again. This is just the way that works best for me. Not claiming any superiority over any other method at all.
A few tools are a MUST have in most grows.
A RELIABLE ph meter is critical.
A ph issue in the water can cause major issues
I highly advise getting a nice unit vs. a cheap one. Cheap ones are usually garbage. And the off chance they are accurate. the break in a few uses..
I just recently purchased a new meter as the are a consumable in the grow. Meaning you will have to replace the unit or parts of it every so often.
So this time I found one with a probe that is replaceable and batteries that are as well.
If interested it is an apera ph60

Other little things you will want around the grow are duct tape for everything. Safety pins or map pins. Green garden tape or some other means for early lst trellis is perfect as well.
A ppm meter never hurts. But not required for this method.
Humidifiers/dehumidifiers are likely going to be needed in your grow to maintain proper rh%
Multiple small fans for circulation and cooling lights etc.
Along with the lights and other equipment to start, all this stuff is the bulk of all start up costs.


To kick things off.
let's talk about selecting genetics.
With there being a TON of breeders out there it may be a bit overwhelming to decide on where to order from. Then you have to decide what strains work best for you. Whether it be a specific flavor or certain effect from a strain will play a big factor.
Just like all the other components to the grow room do some research to find where and what suits you best


now that we have most of the basic start up stuff covered. Let's get into the actual kiss tutorial.
And that starts with seeds.
There are dozens of tips and tricks to germ. And several ways to do it.
The way I germ seeds now is I get a red solo cup put tap water in it. Label the cup and plop some seeds in it.
When the seeds crack open and have a small white tap root beginning to show I plant the seeds into a rooter pod or directly into the soil.
I use the rooter pods when I need an extra day or two to get soil or prep pots etc.
After I plant the bean I sprinkle a little water around the plant site and wait for it to break surface.
Occasionally I'll put a shot glass or something like that over the site to make a dome to keep rh% around seed high and give it a little barrier between it and the light but only until it has its first 1 finger leafs. A few days tops.
Personally since it's such a small amount of water being used. I do not even ph the germ water or the little bit used in The 1st week. I dont think it hurts anything at all.

I currently have beans soaking. I have sprouts. And 1 just barely entering veg. So I'll be able to show all of the processes I do rather quickly and different stages at the same time.

But this post we will stick with just preparing seeds and pots.

As mentioned previously. I am using autopots. 3.9 gallon square pots.
I will also have a plant or two not on the autopot res. So I will be able to show how I bottom feed manually for the same result. Also why I put the asterisk on optional for autopots in this set up

Pot preparation is about as simple as it gets.
Open the bag of ocean forest. Fill pot. Break up chunks if needed. Done.
I do leave a few inches of space from the top just in case I need to add a layer of sand or something for gnats or other bug control if needed.

If you planted the bean in a rooter pod. Bury rooter pod and the bottom few cm of stem of seedling.
If planting germed seed into soil. Only go about 1/4 inch deep.
Here are current pictures of the little ones/beans.

Will be back tonight with planting pictorials and watering the babies.
