New Grower Seed storage


I lost my keys
Mar 7, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Some weed
What's the best way to store seeds long term. Also how old can seeds be before they don't germinate?
I recently sprouted seeds from summer 2015. I did nothing special beyond putting them in a small baggy. I pretty sure a small ziplock or medicine bottle would be fine for atleast 2-3 years. But I'm pretty sure they can last longer.
In a paper envelope inside an airtight container with one of those anti moisture packs down in the crisper drawer in the fridge.
I store my indica and sativa seeds in separate "vault" containers under the sink of my grow rooms bathroom.
Just in dry and dark place. Airtight if can.
I have an HBD from 2014. Sprouted like a new seed and doing well... except it turns out it wants to grow as a photoperiod plant. Not sure if that's why. Anyway I store them in a ziplok dag in the fridge.
Mine are in their original package and in a small plastic box inside the fridge :D

Popping like popcorn every time :smoking:
A wonderful topic whose answers are as numerous as the strains themselves. Depending on circumstances a seed can be stored 5 to 20+ years. Germination rate will diminish over time. Limited changes in storage conditions seem to foster longer storage. Airtight, cold, and dark.
Something to ponder next time your wasted... launch some seeds into space, kind of like a message in a bottle. I wonder how long they would last?:shrug: