Semi-Stealth Micro Grow - "Casper"

Hi folks, long time no see.

I stopped the bud juice after the first week of using it as she's really not doing great. I continued with the standard nutes + calmag but she's just continuing down the same path.

I would've expected her to be somewhat done by now but obviously nowhere near....considering just leaving her to die out and popping an auto in sept after my holiday.

Not gunna lie, reading what I've read and considering how far along we are in this grow already I hardly doubt I'm going to get anywhere near even a gram out of it - which kills my enthusiasm quite a bit.

2020-08-05 18.19.38.jpg
2020-08-05 18.19.43.jpg
2020-08-05 18.19.51.jpg
2020-08-05 18.20.14.jpg

Anyway, have a great week folks (despite it already being Wednesday)
Well, I just got back from a lovely holiday to a very sad and poor sight.

I'm afraid this girl is beyond recovery, and not worth the effort really. I had someone water her whilst away but she's just not done well at all. The soil is still wet so it's not gonna be a thirst issue despite the drooping.

The yield isn't gonna be worth the stress so tonight im going to cut and put her in the bin.

New bean will be popped after next holiday, mid sept ish.

Thanks everyone for coming along with the first grow, sorry it was a total failure.

Well, I just got back from a lovely holiday to a very sad and poor sight.

I'm afraid this girl is beyond recovery, and not worth the effort really. I had someone water her whilst away but she's just not done well at all. The soil is still wet so it's not gonna be a thirst issue despite the drooping.

The yield isn't gonna be worth the stress so tonight im going to cut and put her in the bin.

New bean will be popped after next holiday, mid sept ish.

Thanks everyone for coming along with the first grow, sorry it was a total failure.

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my condolencez :bow: the one & only remedy is -> plant another bean! ...or 2 or 3...or 23! :yay: ppp
Aw maaan! That sucks. 420Forever is right, the only cure is to grow more. :hump:

Nobody responded much on your nutrient issues, so I am going to add my two cents (pence?) for your next grow.

Quick background since I'm new here. I don't have much experience with weed, but have grown a lot of other things including 12 years of commercial veg growing. I don't actually have a lot of diagnostic experience on deficiencies from those days. We had the soil in various fields analyzed every couple of years and had custom fertilizer mixed made based on the analysis.

I've been having a few different nutrient issues with my tomatoes this year, so I did a bunch of reading. I'll put a link to a commercial seed supplier on tomato nutrient deficiencies. It may not be weed, but these deficiencies show up the same in most plants.

FWIW, that yellowing between veins on the leaf is common to many different deficiencies, with some subtle differences in some cases. I ran across a post from a current commercial hydroponics grower where he said it is very difficult to figure out where the deficiency comes from and is often a process of elimination.

First thing. You can actually see the issue starting to develop as far back as post #35 with slightly pale new growth and a little bit of yellowing between veins in the older leaves. It is quite subtle and easy to miss.

By post #45 it is quite clear. You can see an obvious lighter colour in the new growth and noticeable interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins) in the older leaves. In the pic below, I've circled the new growth discolouration in orange and the old growth yellowing in blue.

There are a couple of clues in both cases. On the new leaves, the yellowing starts from the base. From the link below, you will see that iron deficiency shows up in the new leaves starting from the base.
iron-deficient leaves (see Figure 12) show strong chlorosis at the base of the leaves with some green netting. The most common symptom for iron deficiency starts out as an interveinal chlorosis of the youngest leaves, evolves into an overall chlorosis, and ends as a totally bleached leaf

If you look at some of the old leaves outside of the circled areas, you will see the yellowing is greater on the outer margins of the leaf. I can't remember what this points to. I think I have a link to that page on my work computer.

If you look at the third picture in post #45, the one under the blurple lights the deficiencies show even better.

Nutrient deficiency.jpg

Tomato crop deficiencies

Hope this helps some for your next grow.
Hey @bobthedog thanks for the kind words of advice, really appreciate it! You're right, if I paid close enough attention early I probably coulda saved her!

However, the grow game rolls on - I'm using the @420Forever method - 36 hour soak -> straight to final pot :cooldance: (hope that's right)

Let's give it up for Connie the Second! :yay:

2020-09-14 23.07.11.jpg

When she roars her beautiful cotyledon above the soil I'll make a fresh thread with all the info - as you can see she'll be an Auto Kryptonite from Pyramid Seeds - surely stronger genes than wildflower bagseed!

Been having a break from the green since I started growing (I only wanna smoke what I know is good bud) so super excited for grow #1 :smoking:

Keep it lit folks :bong:
Hey @bobthedog thanks for the kind words of advice, really appreciate it! You're right, if I paid close enough attention early I probably coulda saved her!

However, the grow game rolls on - I'm using the @420Forever method - 36 hour soak -> straight to final pot :cooldance: (hope that's right)

Let's give it up for Connie the Second! :yay:

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When she roars her beautiful cotyledon above the soil I'll make a fresh thread with all the info - as you can see she'll be an Auto Kryptonite from Pyramid Seeds - surely stronger genes than wildflower bagseed!

Been having a break from the green since I started growing (I only wanna smoke what I know is good bud) so super excited for grow #1 :smoking:

Keep it lit folks :bong:

Connie II for the win! :yay: be sure & tag me in to ur new journal ;) ppp
Hey @bobthedog thanks for the kind words of advice, really appreciate it! You're right, if I paid close enough attention early I probably coulda saved her!
No worries. Knowing the condition of your plants is not some sort of special skill. All you need to do is look at your plants every day and you will start to be able to tell the difference between normal and something going on. I look over every plant in my balcony garden every day as I water.

After my last post in this thread, I decided to wander over to the infirmary and there is a really go diagnostic thread stickied there.

It is worth periodically browsing through to familiarize yourself with what various deficiencies might look like.

You probably already figured this out, but wilting and wet probably means your friend killed the plant with kindness by over watering.

Onward and upward.