slight yellowing on the tips



hello, these are my 3 barneys seeds.
all feed the same thing yesterday, i just noticed the biggest one is showing signs of yellowing on the tips of the new growth.

do i need to use more nutes or less nutes, as its the biggest one i'm hoping/thinking i need to add more.. but would like to get an opinion from some one who might know.
Since you have fed yesterday, give them another day or so to tell you if they need more or if it was too much. Post back with more pics. It takes a few days for them to use up the nutes you have just given them. Overfeeding them will stunt them worse than underfeeding.
THis is what it looks like a today.


I think the one that has the yellowing leafs, is the pineapple express, and the other two are the little cheese. i have looked at the pictures at the seeds shop and little cheese is lighter in leaf colour.

I guess that one is more sensitive, if the problem is nute burn.
looking good stanko :D I have a friend in the UK growing these right now for his 1st grow. Your girls look good and I look forward to more reports and most curious on your smoke report :D
haha I was just doing my first blog post for the barneys, I'm not a proficient grower, I'm a complete novice.
what was the ph of the feed you gave them?

Probably, to high..

I have a real problem keeping ph constant.
I got a water butt so I didn't have to keep messing with ph, I also purchased an air pump and stones. when I set my ph to around 6.5 in the water butt, the next day it's back to 8 maybe even 8.5, my water is high in calcium - the water butt has big white rings around it, and calcium deposits that have sunk to the bottom.

I decided I would not put ph down in my water butt, as i would need to do it every day.. I run the airstones in the water butt for 24 - 48 hrs to get rid of clorine, etc.. then take them out, and leave the water to sit, then when I come to water my plants, I fill up my watering cans, add some nutes. and run the air stones for an hour or so, then feed.
If your pH is out (which is sounds like it is) you will be locking out nutes (N in your case), feeding more will just make matters worse. what are you using for pH down? my waters pH is the same as yours 8.0-8.5 (way to high), I fill my water butts with tap water, run the pump for a few days with some pH down (phosphoric acid) If im feeding in veg - pH = 6.4ish flowering 6.6-6.8 but it all depends on what strain your growing. luckyly I have found soome organic soil that is perfect for growing weed in and I havnt had to feed anything so far (apart from 1 stinging nettle tea drench) so im only having to water.

when your feeding its best to add your nutes BEFORE you pH down as your nutes will most likey bring your pH right down and you cant mix pH up & pH down together as they will react (im not sure if thats the same with vinegar & bicarb)

If I add anything over half strenth canna nutes to my already pH'd water it brings it down to 5.8-6.0 which is to low. so I keep a seperate water butt for feed water (not that I have had to use it yet!)
I was using bac ph down for some reason I think it's nitric acid.

run the pump for a few days with some pH down (phosphoric acid) If im feeding in veg - pH = 6.4ish flowering 6.6-6.8 but it all depends on what strain your growing.

I do/did but it goes back up to a ph of 8 within 24 hrs. I have stopped trying to ph my water using bac, as i was adding 7ml a day to make it go down. Now I just add the nutes in my watering can and run the pump in there for 30 mins to an hour and then use.

Also it is only one of them that is having this problem.
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I have noticed this plant also has a few other problems. and i do think it is a ph problem, just one i'm not sure how to deal with very well.
