


First time grower here and have no idea whats wrong. I'm growing big devil #2 and all has been fine up until today. I noticed that on a couple of leaves there is some spots and I don't know what would be causing it. The only thing i could think of is I fed her some vermi tea about half of what the label recommended about 2 days ago. Could this be the problem? IMG_20110503_200545.jpgIMG_20110503_200558.jpgIMG_20110503_200539.jpg
well.. kinda hard to see ... pics a lil blurry... but looks like you got some water on the leaves and the light burned those spots a bit... doesnt appear to be nutrient related... you say "vermi" tea you mean "vermiculture tea"? as in earth worm compost tea? also... what is the ph of your soil and water?
Yes vermiculture tea. I was just going by what the package says. Both phs are about 6.8. And the water thing makes sense. I've been spraying with carbonated water because i read something that said it helps with c02
oh yeah thats it then... no worries... wont really hurt them... co2 is far more effective when temp range is 87-95 deg F

ph should go a little lower... but isnt bad...

ph vs uptake.gifph vs uptake 2.jpg
Thanks dude I was starting to get really worried. And I'm going to buy some ph stuff tomorrow so ill get that taken care of.
I will conquer it does look a bit like light burn. Was it fairly localized to the couple leaves?
I think it looks like cal or more likely mag deficiency... just my opinion though...
Wait, I just looked a little harder and it looks like you may have dropped some nutes on the leaves...
I will conquer it does look a bit like light burn. Was it fairly localized to the couple leaves?
Yeah it was just those two leaves. They were also closest to the light when i sprayed with the carbonated water.

Wait, I just looked a little harder and it looks like you may have dropped some nutes on the leaves...
Hmm maybe, the water could have splashed up when i was watering.