Stressed Autoberry's and stressed grower

Sep 7, 2017
Reaction score
Problem: Drooping leaves. they are Starting to flower 7 weeks old.

Medium/grow method:
Hydrococo (60% /40% Vermic and a few clay pebs on top) in 14 litre autopots

Feed: and supplements used:
A+B 1/3 strength, Cal Mag full strength + organic super bloom (P+K) 1/2 strength.

water source:
Tap water bubbled for 24 hours (starting PH 7.2 PPI 50) PH'ed to 5.8 and PPI approx. 700 ish

Auto berry back two. Amnesia OG photo is ok at the front all 7 weeks old

light used:
started with CFL then day 29 after pistols went to 400 HPS and have turned up to 600wats but since stress have backed down to 400w two foot away from tops

Temps 23 to 27 dig C and RH 40% to 50 1mx1m tent fans plus extraction (heat did get up to 30 a few days back but only for a few hours?)

Additional info:
HELP :( this is my first grow and was going real well until now. I have a sick feeling its root rot. I have manually overridden the auto pots to flush and completely dry out as well to test over and under watering.

thanks so much for your comments

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Try raising the light, mine didn't like being too close and did similar. Also changed direction of fan.

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I've got the same problem...

What makes it harder is i have no leaf issues apart from lifting pots over the top and a few leaf burn spots from nutrient drips. i have stuck an air hose up the worst ones arse so i’ll see if a little aeration in the roots help. i just want these girls to finish [emoji271][emoji853]

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could be lights too close, you said you tested the autopots already....

It looks like it will recover to me. My bet is that you have shocked them a bit by changing environments, and especially with the flush. She is probably recovering, and will start taking up water again over the next couple days. If that is the case, she will be a touch stunted, and not get as fat as she would have, but will grow out fine.

If you have it, you will know root rot when you see it, the roots will discolor badly, or the stem/crown will turn to mush. I have not seen water mold in my hydro setup, if you do find it though... make sure to completely disassemble and bleach all parts of the autopots and water lines.

what pH meter do you use? Until I ponied up some cash for a good one I had lots of issues get a proper measurement, and fluctuations were hard to fix.
could be lights too close, you said you tested the autopots already....

It looks like it will recover to me. My bet is that you have shocked them a bit by changing environments, and especially with the flush. She is probably recovering, and will start taking up water again over the next couple days. If that is the case, she will be a touch stunted, and not get as fat as she would have, but will grow out fine.

If you have it, you will know root rot when you see it, the roots will discolor badly, or the stem/crown will turn to mush. I have not seen water mold in my hydro setup, if you do find it though... make sure to completely disassemble and bleach all parts of the autopots and water lines.

what pH meter do you use? Until I ponied up some cash for a good one I had lots of issues get a proper measurement, and fluctuations were hard to fix.

Thanks for yo
Try raising the light, mine didn't like being too close and did similar. Also changed direction of fan.

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Thanks GG i will sit it out for awhile and just not try and blast them with the HPS. its a small tent and the weather has got hotter lately (coming from winter into a hot spring). i think PH pen is ok as i calibrate it often and readings in res tank and pots good. thanks again for your time......just needed a little support :(
good, it's temperature corrected. That will keep you healthy. 9 out of ten problems are pH related. Really the only one one not related to pH is air quality/temperature
Thanks "Rollin" i have learnt from this grow how to much air movement can cause issues. i have sheltered the worse one a little more and the RH is pretty low so maybe a little dry? see photo of wind issue on the Amnesia OG (not an auto). thought it was a Cal Mag problem but this girl was closest to the fan. (the bad leaf burn was me dragging a pot over the top dripping nuts :() this was at 30 days old.
nut burn plus wind burn.JPG
so thats actually pretty awesome for a first grow. I got super lucky on my first and she turned into a real thing of beauty. In my mind she was the High Times centerfold.

ugly leaves still make good buds. If a leaf gets damaged somehow, it stays damaged. Drooping however, can be fixed quickly. I had to move out of my tent after my second grow. The thing was just way to short and I couldn't keep the light far enough away.

A good method to check light hight is to hold your hand against the tent wall at the top, and move it down till the direct light hits your hand. You want it to hit your hand around where outside tops are. That gives you maximum coverage, at maximum distance, with the most airflow. If you stay in a tent, consider a cool tube instead of a wing, or just use LED.

think the lights are ok. doesn’t seem hot on the canopy??? Yes the tents going i’m going into a small room. PH and atmosphere is paramount. you can read and read but nothing beats doing it. thanks again for your thoughts... good stuff [emoji106]

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